At Salesforce, trust is our number one value and nothing is more important to us than the privacy and security of our customers’ data. As part of this commitment, we want to remind customers of the important deadline to incorporate the latest set of standard contractual clauses for the transfer of personal data outside of Europe (“SCCs”) into their data processing addendum. 

When the SCCs were introduced in September 2021, the European Commission provided a transition period until December 27, 2022 for organizations to update their contracts. At the same time, Salesforce published an updated Data Processing Addendum (“DPA”) incorporating the newSCCs for customers to sign. 

Customers that have not yet signed our updated DPA or DPA amendment  incorporating the latest SCCs should do so prior to the December 27 deadline

For more information about our DPA, including our additional transfer mechanisms like the Binding Corporate Rules for processors (“BCRs”) and UK SCCs, please see our DPA FAQ