Wafaa Kirtassi (Senior Director, Customer Success Group) has been with the Salesforce ecosystem for over ten years. She was at premium Salesforce partner Kerensen Consulting when Salesforce acquired it in 2015.

As Salesforce Morocco country deputy and senior director leading the professional services team within Morocco, Wafaa was the perfect person to share why jobs at Salesforce Morocco are so prized. 

“Salesforce is a huge company with employees all over the world,” said Wafaa, “so when I joined, I was worried about losing the start-up spirit. But joining Salesforce made more of a difference than we could ever have imagined. Incredible innovation, speed, flexibility, and closer proximity to the management.” 


Being a Salesforce Morocco employee

When you work at Salesforce Morocco, you feel the equality on a daily basis, according to Wafaa.

You don’t have the weight of the hierarchy. You can reach out to somebody that’s not in your organisation hierarchy, not even in the same country.”

Wafaa Kirtassi

A Salesforce badge lets employees access any of the offices across the world, from Casablanca to San Francisco to Tokyo. 

Achieving a good work/life balance is more than just a dream, it’s something that Salesforce supports right from the top. And how that balance looks will be different for everyone. For Wafaa it's being able to have her son around while she’s working. “Sometimes he can be on camera and disturb a meeting, but I still have full support from my management. This flexibility and support is really important for my work/life balance.”

Speaking of having children, jobs at Salesforce come with other great benefits for parents. Paid parental leave means employees are able to leave work to deal with family emergencies. It also covers the time off when employees or their partners have children. Which in Morocco is usually three months for the mother and three days for the father. 

Parents who work at Salesforce are entitled to six months (for the primary caregiver) and three months (for the secondary caregiver). Continuing with the value of equality, it doesn’t have to be the mother who gets the primary caregiver’s six months.


Growth and ambition at Salesforce Morocco

Thanks to investment and tripling employee numbers over the last two years, new opportunities developed, even during the pandemic. In fact, the pandemic was a catalyst to invest more. The ability to work from anywhere was important, and Salesforce was able to swiftly and successfully adapt. Salesforce Morocco employees were given extra flexibility in terms of materials, equipment, even a reliable caregiver whenever a little extra support was needed so employees could attend to work matters.

We still have that flexibility in terms of time. I get to manage my time as I want, and it’s so important.”

Wafaa Kirtassi

There are other reasons for the current growth. Salesforce Morocco employs high-quality people who are graduating as engineers. People in Morocco generally speak at least three languages, and the country has the same tech and time zone as places like London, Paris, and Munich. Not only that, but they’re only a three hour flight away if they’re needed to be on site in Europe.


A new generation of Salesforce Morocco employees

“We are so well-known by recent graduates, and invest a lot in them with training and certifications,” said Wafaa. “We’re building the new generation of Salesforce trailblazers and we plan to nurture them.” 

It’s not just Salesforce itself, it’s important to remember the Salesforce ecosystem that includes partners, customers, and developers. 

We love to invest in our people, knowing that we can supply our whole ecosystem with talented system architects and more. ”

Wafaa Kirtassi

Salesforce is ahead in terms of a new generation of women in tech roles, something that Morocco also leads in. According to a recent UNESCO study, Morocco has one of the highest rates of women graduating in engineering, at 42.2%.

With all the growth and ambition, there’s a lot of hiring for jobs at Salesforce Morocco right now. Learn more about how you can work at Salesforce Morocco.

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