Today, we are proud to announce the Hyperforce EU Operating Zone. Building on Hyperforce, Salesforce’s new platform architecture, the Hyperforce EU Operating Zone will enable our commercial and public sector customers to process and store their data in the EU. This is an important building block for the trusted enterprise.

In a success-from-anywhere world, we strive to meet our customers where they are. We recognise that our customers want to control where their data is stored and processed, who can access it, and how it is used — for many, this means having the capability to keep their data within the EU.

The Hyperforce EU Operating Zone offers our commercial and public sector customers the opportunity to choose our new EU service offering and benefit from 24/7 support delivered by EU-based personnel. This new service will start rolling out for Salesforce Customer 360 applications beginning in Q4 2022.

The Hyperforce EU Operating Zone builds on the strong data residency services already provided by Salesforce and Slack, including our services that allow customers to store company data, search indexes and encryption keys within the EU.

Salesforce cloud services already comply with or exceed EU standards, and this new service is anchored in our long-standing commitment to privacy and security. Hyperforce’s security architecture limits users to appropriate levels of access to customer data, protecting sensitive information from human error or misconfiguration. Encryption, at rest and in transit, comes standard, ensuring the privacy and the security of customer data. Just announced last year, Hyperforce will be available in 16 countries by the end of next year.

Hyperforce is also a key part of our overall commitment to helping our customers be sustainable. It is built on 100% renewable energy and is net-zero.

The Hyperforce EU Operating Zone is anchored in our long-standing commitment to privacy, offering the strongest contractual protections available for challenging government requests for data:

  • This commitment is highlighted in our transparency report, which provides transparency consistent with the law. We receive relatively few government requests — and when we do receive requests, we will work to refer the requesting agency to the customer itself.
  • Salesforce was the first enterprise software company to achieve approval for our Binding Corporate Rules (BCRs) in November 2015. BCRs reflect the highest data protection standards and come standard for all customers.
  • We have incorporated the newly-released Standard Contractual Clauses into our contracts along with industry-leading commitments around challenging government access requests and auditing our services.
  • Salesforce was also a founding member of the recently created EU Cloud Code of Conduct, which enables us to certify to and verify our GDPR compliance.

We are excited to welcome this next chapter of Hyperforce and its impact on our customers. As we move forward, we will continue to listen and engage with our customers and government leaders across Europe, innovating together.