‘Build customer trust online’ has become a mantra for businesses in the New Normal. The COVID-19 pandemic and lockdown measures have created a new wave of digital adopters. These online shoppers have discovered more convenient ways of doing business where anything they want is just a click away. They’ve also discovered a world of 24/7 customer service and seamless engagement across touchpoints. 

Businesses have had to adapt as well. Many have moved to contact-free service, new digital experiences, and optimised ecommerce platforms. In the face of all this disruption, customer expectations have risen and businesses have evolved to keep up. 

Now, we’re firmly living in the digital age. Hyper-personalised communication is standard. Exceptional experiences have become mandatory. And lastly, safety and wellbeing are at the forefront of everyone’s mind.

In this new world where safety is a priority, it’s crucial that businesses build customer trust by taking the necessary precautions. Here are some ways that businesses can build customer trust online and keep their customers safe.


Build customer trust by prioritising their wellbeing

Information is crucial in uncertain times. The more info we have at our fingertips, the better we’ll be able to quickly and successfully respond to new challenges. 

With that in mind, we’re happy to offer the free COVID-19 Response Playbook to help businesses map their response journey. The Playbook includes actionable insights and steps for creating a safe working environment.

The Playbook also offers businesses:

  • A structured approach to simplify decision-making

  • A helpful checklist of ‘no regrets’ actions

  • Resources to develop a customer-centric approach to crisis response

  • Best practices for different stages of your response journey

  • Real-life examples of how companies triumphed over crisis through innovation and digitalisation

Take a look at the COVID-19 Response Playbook to find out how:

  • Syneos Health turned to Sales Cloud to get crucial information to doctors

  • AAA Carolinas used Service Cloud to create a personalised outreach programme in just five days. 


Build customer trust by communicating health and safety policies online

Work.com is a one-stop shop for creating a safer workplace after COVID-19. It has all the tools businesses need to improve their safety protocols. For instance, business leaders can use the Command Centre to organise shifts, avoid congestion, and track employee wellness. 

Work.com also helps leaders build trust within their workforce. The manual contact-tracing solution puts privacy first while nurturing a safer working environment.


Build a culture of online learning during the COVID-19 crisis

Business owners have often struggled with finding the right people for the right roles. According to our SME Trends Report (4th Edition), 28% of SME leaders said that hiring the right talent is the most constraining factor in their operation. Meanwhile, 20% said that retaining/motivating employees was their biggest issue. 

Businesses can address these concerns through upskilling and cross-skilling programmes. For example, myTrailhead helps businesses skill up their workforce for the future. 

Here are just some of the things that myTrailhead offers:

  • Skill up employees in various sectors – anytime and anywhere

  • Brush up on the latest health and wellness practices

  • Train workers to incorporate new technologies and strategies

  • Prepare employees for different roles in the New Normal

Training programmes help the workforce develop new skills, improve employee loyalty, and increase retention rates. The customer will also appreciate a skilled-up workforce that can deliver the best possible service.


Deliver smart, personalised patient care during a crisis

For healthcare providers, building customer trust during a crisis is paramount. During uncertain times, many people turn to healthcare workers and organisations for reassurance. Organisations that don’t make them feel comfortable may suffer the consequences. So delivering personalised care at scale should be at the top of the agenda.

Our Emergency Response Management enables communities, individuals, and government agencies to respond to a crisis quickly. It helps health care providers create a more connected and personalised experience for their patients. 

Related: Watch the Emergency Response Management demo


How will you build customer trust to create a better future?

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought unprecedented disruption and unforeseeable challenges. It’s led us to a place where we can focus more on building trust, engaging meaningfully, and putting each other’s well-being first. For businesses, this can be the first step towards a better, safer tomorrow. 

Learn the importance of building customer trust in the midst of a crisis with the COVID-19 Response Playbook