Delivering an OK customer experience (CX) might have been good enough before COVID-19. But as customer expectations intensified along with the global pandemic, businesses throughout the world had to rapidly reassess their efforts. 

Using technology to meet customer expectations has never been more important and gives businesses the right tools to provide excellent CX to customers who call them on the phone. 

The technology to provide a great experience is available and easy to deploy. So why aren’t enough businesses taking advantage of it? 

The contact centre is here to stay, and the lasting impact of the COVID-19 pandemic means that businesses must adapt. Vonage Contact Center for Salesforce is an advanced way of doing just that.


Prepare for the future with Vonage Contact Center for Salesforce

Vonage is a cloud-based software solutions provider and Integrate Solutions Vendor (ISV) partner of Salesforce, with a long history of working with Salesforce as NewVoiceMedia. 

With Vonage Contact Center for Salesforce, businesses can integrate their phone channels with customer support — thanks to CTI (cloud telephony integration) — for Salesforce customers.

As the number one provider of CTI solutions for Salesforce customers — with more than 400 customers in Europe — we understand all too well the challenges contact centres are facing with the recent pandemic and the shift to remote working practices

Agents were working from home, like many of us, but when customers called the business, the calls were going to the office. Businesses had to figure out how to swiftly and effectively get those calls through to their agents’ mobile or home numbers.


Using Vonage Contact Center for Salesforce to work remotely

The challenge has been for businesses with contact centre software that’s on premise and not integrated with Salesforce. Vonage/Salesforce customers didn’t have the same logistical issues, their agents could log in from home and have Salesforce right in front of them. All their agents had to do is log on to Salesforce from home, plug in their headset, and they were ready to deliver the same CX their customers expected from them. 

With one-third of European workers expected to remain working remotely even after the global crisis goes away, the ability to seamlessly switch from office to home is going to be essential for contact centres.


The benefits of Vonage Contact Center for Salesforce

To create exceptional customer experiences, your contact centre software needs to be intuitive and dynamic. Vonage Contact Center pulls in customer data, history, and insights, including the most recent contact, to help create those experiences.

In less than three minutes, learn the main benefits of integrating a cloud contact centre with Salesforce CRM.

Customer benefits:

  • Not having to repeat themselves to different departments and/or different employees.

  • An easy omnichannel experience, so they get excellent CX no matter what their preferred channels are.

  • Dynamic routing that avoids the frustrating endless menu loop to try to get them to the right person.

Agent benefits:

  • Happier customers make for a better experience for agents!

  • Issues are easier to deal with as agents have the right info at their fingertips, meaning they can focus on excelling at their job.

In terms of benefits to your bottom line, the time saved not having to route and re-route customers to the correct person, repetitive conversations as different agents are brought up to speed on issues, and so on, equals cost savings. CFOs love the solution because the costs go down.

Why? Because the calls are shorter. We get the call to the right person immediately.

CTI makes home working as easy as working in the office for contact centre staff. And as time and efficiency savings mean you don’t need as many inbound agents, you can upskill or reskill employees into revenue-generating roles. 

Find out more about how you can serve better and sell more with Vonage Contact Center for Salesforce.

Vonage will be at this year’s Salesforce Live: Benelux, discussing how to drive social impact with Salesforce for Nonprofits.