What is a supplier relationship management transformation? In the next 3 minutes, you will learn the basics from PwC, the second-largest professional services network in the world.

With a long history of advisory, audit, and tax expertise, PwC is a leader in technology consulting for a diverse range of clients and industries. And as one of Salesforce’s top strategic partners, PwC brings a wealth of experience and industry knowledge to every engagement. 

The professional services network is dedicated to serving customers and stakeholders in the best possible way. Salesforce and PwC are working together to help streamline the supplier relationship management transformation process.


Why supplier relationship management needs a transformation

So what exactly is customer transformation? If the global pandemic has shown us anything, it’s that we need to keep giving the best possible customer experience. Customers are at the heart of any business, and to keep them, we need to keep them happy.

Expectations of your business are constantly evolving, so your strategy and purpose need to evolve with them. Your customers have unique needs and challenges, and they expect them to be met. 

"Customer transformation focuses on a number of factors with integrated capabilities around customer strategy, marketing, sales, and service, and pricing," says Timo Koenen, Technology Consulting Partner at PwC Netherlands. 

What makes our approach different is the human-centric way we manage change.”

Timo Koenen

While the right technology is crucial for supplier relationship management transformation, businesses also need to look at the wider picture. PwC’s BXT method is a multidisciplinary approach to change that helps businesses view the larger picture. Xavier Verhaeghe, a Technology Consulting Partner from PwC Belgium, explains the process:

“BXT combines Business, eXperience, and Technology. We leverage technology to help us make better decisions and address business concerns, but we also look at the different experiences that people actually live through — whether it’s user experience, brand experience, or end-customer experience”. 

It’s this holistic approach that lets PwC help their clients strengthen the long-term, lifetime value of their businesses. And one of the most important things to consider is keeping any kind of transformation focused on the end customer. Why? Because it’s the end-customer’s experience that is central to everything you do. 


Supplier relationship management gets a digital transformation

As Salesforce also focuses on offering customers a connected, personalised and more valuable experience, it’s no wonder the partnership with PwC works so well. With values so closely aligned, including a strong vision around customer transformation, the combined Salesforce/PwC solutions are all about creating customer value. 

PwC’s Supplier Relationship Management Solution (SRM) offers end-to-end relationship management, powered by Salesforce, which gives businesses more control over their supply chain. It’s an intuitive, cloud-based solution with built-in Einstein Analytics that lets you see a 360-degree view of your data and helps you accelerate your supply chain customer transformation. 

SRM is more than just a procurement tool. At a time where Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is an essential part of modern business — and not just an eco-friendly afterthought — businesses must be mindful of which companies they’re choosing as suppliers. 


The pros of a supplier relationship management transformation

The collaboration between Salesforce and PwC helps cover all bases by offering real-time, proactive purchasing, compliance, invoicing, case management, and more. To gain more control of your supply chain, including supplier risk management/assessment and onboarding processes, you need this type of 360-degree view.

Supplier relationship management transformation relies on making the process faster, more efficient, and more transparent for buyers and suppliers alike. SRM gives you connection, automation, and innovation to sync all the data you need to make the right supplier choices. 

SRM also helps with managing relationships with your suppliers going forward. Whatever your industry, the right technology can keep the supply chain strong and successful while making sure your business complies with the relevant regulations. 

Find out more about how PwC and Salesforce come together to build and power innovative solutions for supplier relationship management and beyond. 

Don’t forget to register for Salesforce Live: Benelux where you can learn about engaging, managing, and mitigating risk in your supply chain with PwC, and much more!