“Our Polish customers are innovating in spite of the extraordinary challenges of COVID-19 – making Success from Anywhere, a reality. This year’s event was truly one of the most interesting and insightful I have ever been part of.” – Krzysztof Augustynowicz, Regional Director, Central and Eastern Europe

On June 8th, Trailblazers from all over Poland came together to share how they continued to innovate (from their COVID-safe kitchens, bedrooms, and even their garden sheds) to deliver Success from Anywhere

That’s right: it was the start of Salesforce Live: Poland.

We explored the speed of digital transformation and the wealth of available opportunities. And as it’s both an exciting and daunting prospect, we’re glad we came together and explored how to do it right. 

Now, we know how busy everyone is right now – and finding the time to join online events and discussions is hard. So, we’ve made every session available on-demand so you can catch up on all the event’s insights.

You’ll find every session on the events page where you can access the on-demand recordings.

Want to hear more first? Read on to explore what to expect: 

First up, we covered how to:

  1. Connect with Poland’s top trailblazers

  2. Master Success from Anywhere

  3. Boost customer-centricity and drive growth

  4. Create future-ready customer experiences 

  5. Turbocharge your transformation with data

Experts from across Salesforce joined us to share their advice and run practical demos. Trailblazers also brought their insights and first-hand experiences. All with the purpose of helping you with your business transformations. 

Each session is just 36-action-packed-minutes long. So it’s easy enough to catch up on all the action while you enjoy a coffee.

And if you’re not sold by now, here are five reasons you should sign up!


1. Connect with Poland’s top trailblazers

Dolfi1920, Orange Poland, Legia, Ziaja, and Zabka all joined us to share how they deliver Success from Anywhere, despite extraordinary challenges.  

So if you want an all-access pass to these pioneering Trailblazers, watch on-demand now. You’ll get the insight you need to supercharge your journey. 

Plus, our dedicated How-to segments will help you get every last drop out of our solutions. Then you’ll be ready to seize the opportunities available.


2. Master Success from Anywhere

Krzysztof Augustynowicz, Regional Director for Central and Eastern Europe, led a barnstorming keynote on what it takes to deliver Success from Anywhere.  

Krzysztof explored the enabling effect of Cloud 3.0 on a true work from anywhere culture. He also explained how – if you harness it correctly – your business can reach unprecedented levels of connectivity and productivity. 

And finally, our Salesforce ecosystem partners shared the importance of their role in delivering Success from Anywhere.

Rewatch the opening episode Success from Anywhere.


3. Boost customer-centricity and drive growth

In this episode, Krzysztof was joined by futurologist, professor and AI expert, Aleksandra Przegalińska.

Together they discussed how the global pandemic re-wrote the rulebook on how we engage with our customers and how it’s reshaped the dynamic for good. 

During this enlightening session, Aleksandra and Krzysztof shared the strategies you need to redefine your customer relationships. They also revealed how to grow in the face of shifting expectations and digital acceleration.

Then, two Trailblazers, Bożena Leśniewska, Vice President of Business Market at Orange Polska S.A., and Tal Fridman, Operations and Business Development Director at Dolfi1920, shared the secrets behind their success. Namely, how they’ve been building lifelong customer relationships and success from anywhere.

If you want the inside track on customer engagement in the new normal – this is for you. 

Rewatch Unlock Customer-Centric Growth today.


4. Create future-ready customer experiences

Guest speaker, Maciej Kawecki (also known as the “face of the GDPR in Poland”), joined Krzysztof to investigate the heightened importance of personalisation. 

He also laid out the best strategies to keep pace with the new expectations around relevance. Because let’s be honest, the way businesses engage customers wasn’t the only thing to change last year. Customer expectations did too.  

People now expect businesses to bridge the gap between in-person and digital interaction points

You can then hear from Polish customer experience experts, Pawel Kokosza, Commercial Director of Sales, Marketing and Sponsoring at Legia Warsaw, and Bartosz Zaborowski, Head of E-Commerce at Ziaja. They explained how they’re inspiring greater customer loyalty, one informed interaction at a time. 

This expert advice on how to personalise every single touchpoint on a customer’s journey and build stronger connections is something you simply can’t afford to miss. 

Rewatch Reimagine Digital, From Anywhere now.


5. Turbocharge your transformation with data

We all know that today’s customers expect consistent interactions across departments. And they wanted it yesterday.

So in this session with Andrzej Sobczak (Professor at the Warsaw School of Economics), we explored how you can make better decisions at lightning speed, by unlocking your secret weapon – your data. 

This included the importance of creating a single source of truth. And how you can use it to create the insights you need to stay ahead of your customer’s expectations. 

After that, data pace-setters, Jakub Masłowski, Chief Technology Officer at Zabka, shared how they could use their data to solve problems more quickly as a team, close deals faster, and even save their customers time. 

This session was packed with practical advice on how you can do this from anywhere – if you  use the right platform

If you’re ready to let your data put you in the fast lane, watch Unleash The Power Of Your Data today.


We can’t for you to experience Salesforce Live: Poland

Hopefully, that’s given you plenty of reasons to catch up on all the sessions from Salesforce Live: Poland.

Full overviews of every episode are available on our event page – so head over now to get these great episodes on-demand now.

We connected, we shared, and we grew... Now it’s your turn!