Creating a crisis management strategy has become a top priority for many companies since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Many organisations around the world had to: 

  • shift to remote workforces

  • accelerate their digital transformation

  • serve customers in new ways and places

Many large companies were forced to furlough armies of workers, who were then retrained and hired to help handle increased volume in other industries. In other words, things changed radically in a very short period of time. And creating a crisis management strategy is the key to navigating these changes.

So how can businesses get out of crisis management mode and move towards growth? How can they optimise the workforce to face a future in flux? And how can they leverage technology to thrive in the New Normal and beyond? 

Now is the time to prepare to get back to work and prepare for growth.


A good crisis management strategy starts with stability

Before moving into growth mode, businesses need to have a resilient crisis management strategy in place. This can start by forming a well-trained, cross-departmental crisis response team. This team will gather intelligence, run through scenario planning, and form a plan of action. Once a strategic forward direction is established, companies can use Quip Templates (for free) to:

  • craft health and safety checklists

  • brainstorm V2MOM strategies

  • build management trackers and more

Focussing on employee and customer safety is a critical step when stabilising a business. offers tools to safely manage high-traffic areas, optimise shift scheduling, and monitor employee wellbeing. 

Salesforce also offers a contact-tracing tool with no automated surveillance. This enables businesses to create a safer workplace while building trust with employees. Using these tools to augment a crisis management strategy is a great way to start making smarter, data-driven decisions and prepare for an unpredictable world.


Add a workforce reskilling plan in your crisis management strategy

Roles are changing in the new climate, and many employees may be uncertain about the future. But organisations that offer robust reskilling and upskilling programmes are empowering their workforces. 

These programmes engender employee loyalty and trust, create innovative mindsets, and nurture resiliency. Transforming people can be just as important as transforming technologies and processes. 

MyTrailhead is a great tool for businesses looking to send their employees on creative, customisable learning journeys. The gamified learning platform makes learning new skills simple and painless. 

Users can explore trail mixes while also engaging with a community of like-minded learners. Best of all, myTrailhead’s anytime, anywhere access means that workers can brush up on critical job skills quickly.


Leverage technology to speed up crisis management in the workplace

There’s no doubt that the COVID-19 pandemic accelerated digital transformation. The question is no longer ‘if’, but ‘how fast’. Navigating the crisis requires a collaboration between imagination and transformation. For instance:

  • grocers pivoted to home delivery

  • drive-through concerts popped up

  • hotels went contact-free

  • shoppers took to virtual malls

  • telemedicine arrived earlier than expected

According to Salesforce’s Connected Customer survey, 77% of customers say that this year’s crisis should be a catalyst for business improvement. In other words, businesses should focus on proactively moving forward in the New Normal. 

4 tools that businesses can use in their crisis management strategy:

  • Salesforce Customer 360 helps businesses establish a single source of truth. It provides connected experiences and helps build better relationships with customers.

  • The AppExchange is home to a range of pre-built, easily customisable apps that can help optimise processes and improve customer and employee experiences.

  • The Salesforce Platform allows anyone to easily build their own apps, even with no coding knowledge. Simply drag and drop components to create the solution you need.

  • Tableau digests mountains of data to offer quick, actionable insights. It enables businesses to respond to challenges swiftly.


A good crisis management strategy ensures stability

According to the 4th edition of Salesforce’s SME Trends report, 57% of SME leaders say that they’re struggling to keep their business afloat. But optimism persists, as 72% of SMEs say that they’re optimistic about their future. 

A good crisis management strategy helps businesses navigate unpredictable challenges and ensures stability. It focuses on making a business stronger, faster, and more connected. By optimising workforces, implementing cutting-edge technologies, and rewarding compassionate leadership, businesses have a great place to start.

To see how to create a safer, more productive workplace in tumultuous times, visit