Great Place to Work has recognised us as one of the Best Workplaces in Spain. This is the first time that we participated in the Great Place to Work program, and it is a great honour to be named among so many great companies. 

When our founders started Salesforce, they were as intentional about the company culture they wanted to create as they were about the business. This intentionality helped us stay on course and navigate all the challenges we have faced over the past year. And what a year it was!

Today, our commitment to creating a great workplace from anywhere based on our values Trust, Customer Success, Innovation, and Equality, is stronger than ever. Being named a Best Workplace during a global pandemic is invaluable feedback that we are on the right track. Here’s more about the steps we took to support our employees and our communities over the past year and how we keep working toward being a great workplace for all.


Prioritising wellbeing

When COVID-19 turned into a global pandemic, we knew that we first had to focus on the health and safety of our employees. Our Country Leadership Team met on a regular basis to discuss the current situation in Spain and how to best support our people. We believe that wellbeing starts with our daily routines. 

Therefore, we encouraged everyone to be mindful of keeping meetings between 9:30 am and 6:30 pm, and we encouraged employees to block their calendars to prioritise their time. We also updated and expanded our benefits and introduced new programs like B-Well Together, a half-hour broadcast series that highlights tips, resources, and coping skills from leading wellbeing experts.


Listening to our customers’ needs

When we first started reaching out to our customers, we didn’t focus on selling – we focused on listening. We wanted to understand how our customers were doing, what they needed, and how we could help them move forward into a new normal. 

Many of our customers were hit hard by this crisis. As trusted partners, we had open conversations to find the best solution for all and share how Salesforce uses Salesforce to enable our people to work from home, and eventually to phase back into our offices in a safe way.


We all stepped up

One thing that stood out to me during this challenging year was how every employee in Spain showed up as a leader. From individual contributors to VPs, I saw people from all backgrounds organising events to help us stay connected, or simply reaching out to colleagues who needed support. We organised yoga and mindfulness sessions, cooking classes, coffee meetings in the mornings, and social drinks in the evening. Our colleagues also organised events and workshops targeted at kids to support parents.

In addition, our company and our employees were committed to supporting our communities. Our employees donated almost 7,000 hours of volunteer work during the year, launched solidarity campaigns of all kinds with various NGOs, and supported donation drives for communities in need. Salesforce also donated 250,000 euros to food banks in Madrid and Barcelona. This collective commitment is one of the things that makes us all proud to work at Salesforce.

Overall, I can say that this was truly a challenging year and I would not have wanted to spend it anywhere else than here, with all of you. I am excited for the future and how we will continue to set our people up for success in this work-from-anywhere world.

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