Giving back to the community is a key part of Salesforce’s culture, and a new training programme from Salesforce Belgium is a perfect example of our values in action. The BeCode programme comes from a strategic partnership between Salesforce Belgium, Salesforce partner Accenture, and coding training provider BeCode

So how did it all begin? Salesforce Solution Engineer (and former Accenture consultant) Faris Chihab was in talks with BeCode about forming an education partnership to help BeCode students start a career in the Salesforce ecosystem. At the same time Accenture, already collaborating with BeCode to recruit students, was having a similar conversation, and the decision was made for the three businesses to join forces. 

From a very specific web development programme they’re getting from BeCode, we’re then influencing them to take that next step and elevate it with Salesforce.”

| Suby Anthony, Salesforce Consultant at Accenture

Why the BeCode programme is a valuable opportunity for students

The BeCode programme itself is an intensive two-month training programme that results in job opportunities within the Salesforce ecosystem. The students are people who might not otherwise get equal access to this type of opportunity. 

We know how much of an impact the COVID-19 pandemic has had on in-person interaction. Luckily, Salesforce’s online learning platform Trailhead supports the virtual self-learning the programme is made up of. 

Students also benefit from individual coaching with a buddy and Q&A meetings supported by Accenture and BeCode. So as well as the technical education, they’re getting high levels of support from experienced professionals. 


Tangible results for the BeCode programme students

The training wraps up with a Salesforce certification exam (paid for by Accenture and Salesforce), and commitments from both organisations to provide career opportunities. 

Accenture is committed to hiring some of the students who successfully complete the programme for a 3-month internship, with the possibility of them being employed as a consultant after the internship period. Salesforce is also committed to finding internships for the students, within the Salesforce ecosystem (with either customers or consulting partners).

The importance of re-skilling the next generations can’t be underestimated. Giving technical training to individuals from diverse backgrounds helps Salesforce and its ecosystem grow and maintain diversity.

Giving this chance to people with different backgrounds is really important, giving them the opportunity to have this first experience with an employer that they might not otherwise get.”

| Faris Chihab, Salesforce Solution Engineer

Successful outcomes from the first BeCode cohort

From the five students who joined the first round of training, four are now Salesforce certified and have a job as Salesforce consultants, three at Accenture and one at Salesforce partner 4C

One of those students, Yuri Franken, shared her experience,“While studying for the Platform App Builder certificate at BeCode, it took a while to get a grasp of the many features and possibilities of Salesforce and how it all fits together. Seeing how Salesforce works in a concrete project and being able to contribute feels so rewarding after all the studying.”

Now that I am doing my internship at Accenture, I feel I can really benefit from what I learned during my time at BeCode.”

| Yuri Franken, Accenture intern

What does the future hold for the BeCode programme?

The first cohort was a pilot to gauge how successful such a partnership and programme would be. Thanks to its incredible success, the next cohort is due to take place in June. The plan is to scale the programme and involve other businesses in the Salesforce ecosystem, to be able to support more students.

If you’re a Salesforce partner or customer and would like to find out how you can support the BeCode programme and benefit from skilled trainees, you can contact Faris Chihab at

And if you think you’re a potential student and you’d be a fit for the programme, contact BeCode at