Coming to a laptop screen near you this May 18th, from 13:00 - 16:00 CET!

How are you personally adapting to today’s digital-first world? Separated from our colleagues, our customers, and our partners, we’ve been pushed into a digital-first world. Being digital is no longer optional. It’s defining business processes, putting customers at the heart of your business, and uncovering a new era of opportunities. 

So, how do you connect meaningfully with your customers now? How do you keep your employees engaged and productive? How do you collaborate effectively with your partners? 

Find out how some of the most forward-thinking organisations in the region are overcoming these challenges at Salesforce Live: Benelux! It’s the ultimate showcase of digital innovation, helping employees, customers, and local communities succeed in today’s world.

For this years’ event, we’ve turned up the entertainment factor. Sit back and soak up the inspiration with our transformation talk show hosted by television celebrity Lauren Verster. Celebrate success with Boom Chicago stand up comedian Pep Rosenfeld and our first ever Benelux Customer Awards. And rock out with music from phenomenal Dutch band DI-RECT, who will perform at interludes throughout the show. 

We’ve also got live interactive episodes from Salesforce experts and ecosystem partners, who will discuss how the brightest and best are addressing common challenges with top use cases across industries. 

For every organisation that’s determined to thrive in the digital landscape and make the most of new opportunities, it’s an event not to be missed!


Salesforce Live: Benelux overview

The Most Innovative Customers

Transformation Talk Shows featuring trailblazers like Picnic, Bolt Energie, Lely, Pon Automotive, hallo, Quooker, and CoderDojo. These digital front runners will discuss top-of-mind questions on how to succeed from anywhere and why we should all focus on next-level customer and employee experiences, data, and purpose-driven business. In packed sections, it will help guide and motivate you to take your organisation to the next level. 

We’ll be covering hot topics including:

  • Success from Anywhere
  • Sell, Service & Connect with Customers at Scale
  • Empower Employees Everywhere with Technology
  • Connect, Understand & Act on Your Data
  • Elevate Business as a Platform for Change


Practical How-to Content

15 Interactive Demos full of best practices and how-to’s around innovative customer experience, employee engagement, data-driven decision making, and more. Chat live with Salesforce experts and our vast partner ecosystem (like PwC, KPMG, Vonage or Waeg), and get familiar with the full potential of Salesforce for all types of organisations and industries.


Lots of Fun

Engaging talk-show format with TV presenter Lauren Verster, our first-ever Benelux Customer Awards with Boom Chicago stand up comedian Pep Rosenfeld, and musical intermezzos by rock band DI-RECT.

To top it all off, leave with a Digital Best-Practices Guide summarising top learnings from Salesforce Live to turn inspiration into everyday actions.

So, if you’re after digital inspiration, fun entertainment, and an opportunity to connect with peers and learn from leaders, make sure you join us on May 18th for Salesforce Live: Benelux

You’ll get inspired, learn the art-of-the-possible, and have fun. You can find out more at our event website. We can’t wait to see you there!