Dreamforce To You (DF2U) 2020 was an event for the ages. And even though we couldn’t gather in person to share challenges and celebrate each other’s successes, this year’s virtual event still brought together people from around the world. 

Even better — all of the insights, tips, product demos, and discussions can now be accessed on demand.

One of the most interesting DF2U 2020 sessions tackled the challenges of empowering employees for a rapidly changing world. Let’s look at some of the highlights from thE session, Empowering Employees for the Future of Work.


The ‘people transformation’ is as important as digital

In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, 80% of businesses are accelerating their digital transformation. The digital imperative was already here before the crisis hit. However, this widespread adoption of new technologies — with some businesses implementing long-term digitalisation strategies in just months or even weeks — has led to a ‘people transformation’ as well. 

Workforces have needed to be cross-skilled or up-skilled to succeed in a vastly different climate, all while having to adjust to the new demands of remote working. It’s been a lot to take in.

Not only have employees had to find a way to stay motivated from their kitchens or living rooms, but they’ve also done so while facing global health and financial crises. Due to the global pandemic, employees are concerned about their mental health; an issue that business leaders have now had to prioritise. 

This is an incredibly difficult time to lead. The only certain thing is uncertainty.”

Katherine von Jan, Chief Strategy Officer, Office of Innovation, Salesforce

Focus on employee wellbeing and account for the bigger picture

COVID-19 has had a massive impact on workforce wellbeing, but it’s far from the only issue that today’s worker is dealing with. 

Some challenges employees are facing include:

  • Longer working lives

  • Constant communication (with an average of 180 emails per day)

  • Jobs outpacing education

  • An overload of information

For the first time ever, people are not just more connected to each other, they’re connected to all the information that ever existed.”

Katherine von Jan

It all raises the critical question: how can we best create employee experiences that meet the needs of the worker in the New Normal

Here are a few ways that business leaders can empower employees in a customer-first age:

  • Use Work.com to safeguard the workforce, and turn to on-demand training programs to empower them with new skills.

  • Move away from an ‘always on’ workplace, and towards a gentler, less-stressful one. Think meditation apps and frictionless workflows.

  • Empower employees to be their own CEOs by rethinking hierarchical structures.

By giving employees more agency, businesses can reduce bureaucracy and help them reach their full potential. 


The future of work has arrived and is here to stay

It’s important to note that the world is moving quickly and the future of work is fast approaching. Remotely controlled robots are already staffing cafés in Japan. AI is helping diagnose mental health conditions. Some companies are empowering their workers by funding their micro-enterprises and ‘humanocracy’ is increasingly overtaking bureaucracy. 

These companies already have one foot in the future of work. Is your business ready for the brave new frontier?

To see more about how to best empower employees for the future of work, check out the entire on-demand session.