Salesforce and our ecosystem of partners and customers are set to create 4,210 direct jobs in Poland by 2024, according to The Salesforce Economy in Poland, the localised addendum to The Salesforce Economic Impact white paper

The original white paper, based on IDC’s Global CloudView Survey, forecasts Salesforce’s economic contribution based on a poll of 5,740 enterprise users of cloud computing from 32 countries.


The Salesforce Economic Impact Model

The Salesforce Economic Impact Model takes into account, not just Salesforce, as one of the main cloud services vendors, but also our wider ecosystem of customers and partners. The forecasted benefits to the global economy of our input into cloud computing, along with additional products and services provided by our ecosystem, are huge. IDC estimates that the impact of the Salesforce ecosystem will drive 4.2 million jobs and $1.2 trillion in new business revenues by 2024.


The Salesforce economy in Poland

So what does this mean for partners and customers in the Salesforce ecosystem involved in selling to Poland? Here are some fascinating stats:

  • Cloud computing is expected to grow to $698 million in 2024, a growth of 18% from 2018, with non-cloud software spending to increase just 1% over the same period. 

  • Salesforce and its ecosystem are expected to enable the creation of 4,210 direct jobs during that period.

  • The use of cloud computing by Salesforce customers is expected to add $1.5 billion in new business revenue over that period.

  • Customers of cloud computing subscriptions also spend on supplementary products and services, so the Salesforce ecosystem in Poland in 2019 was 4.3x as big as Salesforce and by 2024, will be 6.3x as big.


The growth of cloud-based software in Poland

In Poland, as in the rest of the world, cloud software offers numerous benefits to the businesses that use it – facilitating consistent and ground-breaking innovation, supporting businesses to grow and scale, boosting productivity, and more 

Its Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) is set to increase by 18% 2018-2024 – and as cloud software in 2019 was 16% of overall software sales, there’s a huge potential for further growth.


Benefits to the Salesforce Ecosystem

The growth of Salesforce revenue in Poland has a number of benefits to our partners and customers, including:

  • New revenue and jobs generated by innovation. (4,210 direct jobs)

  • Jobs created in supply/distribution serving Salesforce customers. (8,230 indirect jobs)

  • Third-party products and services bought alongside each new Salesforce cloud subscription.

IDC estimates that for every dollar Salesforce made in Poland in 2019, the ecosystem made $4.33. This is expected to increase to $4.75 in 2020 and $6.29 in 2024.7


Cloud software accelerating global economies

As businesses attempt to strengthen and grow in spite of the global COVID-19 crisis, one obvious result of the pandemic has been a greater need for digital technologies to keep customers and employees safe, and cloud software is an essential part of that. 

The Salesforce ecosystem lets our partners and customers thrive in terms of innovation and digital transformation, which in turn helps to support the economy in Poland, as the addendum shows. Cloud computing offers all of us a fantastic opportunity to transform the business landscape, create jobs, and accelerate global economies.