We’re all dealing with radical change. But some businesses are coming out of all this change stronger.

Salesforce Live: Switzerland is where we bring together some of these remarkable stories of change and resilience. So we can all learn how to turn the change that’s been forced on us into a force for good.


Be in the room where it happens

This online event is like nothing we’ve done before. The format, content, and interactions will be unique – and uniquely engaging.

You’ll have the best seat in the room at crucial discussions about the future of your industry. Where business leaders share the challenges they’ve been facing. And join forces with industry experts to offer insights on how to:

  • Turbo-charge rapid response and agility
  • Grow through new ways of selling
  • Meet new customer expectations
  • Measure the success of change initiatives

See and seize the potential of change

It’s easy to forget that constant change has been a reality in every industry long before this pandemic. Moments of change have been with us for decades. Disrupting the status quo was how yesterday’s winners won.

Moments of change held great potential in the past. This moment of change is no different.

Let’s come together to understand the trends driving change, the way the pandemic has accelerated their impact, and the new challenges and opportunities we face.

As Pierre Wack, who popularised scenario planning at Royal Dutch Shell, once said: “It is precisely in these contexts – not in stable times – that the real opportunities lie…”

Let’s seize them together.


Six industries and many moments of change

We’re thrilled to bring you professional studio interviews with some of the leading Swiss companies. How are they riding this storm? What are they doing differently? What have they learnt? There’s something here for you – whatever your industry is:


Each session is split into shorter segments of fun, innovation, and learning that include:

Industry weather forecasts:
Can you spot the storm clouds and sunny patches?

Change timeline: What significant changes your industry has seen in the past? Which industry leaders’ expectations were challenged? How have these changes have helped shape the industry today?

The industry imperatives debate:
Which hotly debated trend will win your vote for as the most impactful? (The winner isn’t the point: this is a shortcut to a conversation about the biggest trends today.)

Which keywords resonate most with audiences in your target industry. (A rough temperature check of how popular the biggest trends and topics really are.)


Join us at Salesforce Live: Switzerland

To book your spot, head over to Salesforce Live: Switzerland. We look forward to seeing you!