In times of upheaval, our instinct can be to shrink away from challenges. Or to take up as little space as possible, in the hope that once the storm passes, we can be expansive again. But in the current climate, it’s the businesses that can see the possibilities from opportunity. Even in the midst of a crisis, it's critical to not just to survive, but to thrive. 

This is especially true in the professional services industry. The services it offers — legal and financial advice, consulting and technology provision — have proved essential to others trying to navigate the ‘new normal’. 

Even before the global pandemic, many professional services companies had started moving towards contactless ways of working. They leveraged tech solutions to stay connected with each other and engage with their customers. And for the most part, the transition has been relatively smooth. For others, the demands of upholding high standards of service, while adjusting to rapidly shifting customer priorities, has been a much bumpier ride. But not all hope is lost. Wherever a business is in their transformation, Salesforce can help prepare teams for the current and future battles.

Here are three steps companies can take to meet today’s challenges while preparing for tomorrow’s.


Digitalise the business

It’s no secret that digital technologies have upended the business landscape in revolutionary new ways. However, the current climate has made digital transformation not just a smart way to gain a competitive advantage, but crucial for survival.

For companies that are new to remote working, Quip can open up new ways to operate securely while keeping teams connected. This makes sure that everyone’s on the same page, even when they’re in different locations.

Using digital platforms to reduce repetitive tasks will free up time to concentrate on higher-level tasks that require creativity, critical thinking, or careful communication. It’s not just the amount of time that can be saved that’s appealing, it’s the quality: according to the Harvard Business Review, 25% of CEOs’ time is currently spent on tasks that machines could do.

To understand the shifting landscape and meet customers’ new needs, businesses will also need to look at becoming more data-driven with their analytics: Tableau offers a robust and versatile platform to help companies turn information into action.


Address stakeholders’ changing expectations

The professional service industry’s customers are all facing different challenges in the current moment: some are winning, some are struggling, but very few are operating as normal.

When customers have to pivot, businesses do too, and remaining agile is key. Some key actions things that businesses can take in this tumultuous time include:

  • Engage closely with customers to better understand their shifting needs.

  • Ensure workplace safety. When the workforce is ready to return and the workplace is ready to reopen, offers guidance and thought leadership on how to keep employees, customers and communities safe.

  • Focus on the importance of on-the-job learning and re-skilling. Trailhead offers a wealth of information on learning new skills and earning credentials.

  • Empower decision-makers with the data they need to make the right decisions.


Implement new ways of working

In addition to optimising their current ways of working, businesses can prime themselves for future success by embracing new, forward-thinking modes of working. The current crisis has not only accelerated the adoption of digital technologies, it’s led some businesses to make on-the-fly changes that have proven to be surprisingly effective and successful, changes that will endure long after the current moment has passed.

Some companies have moved to virtual consulting, some are starting to use innovative support technologies such as visual support, and some are investing in tools for decentralised decision-making. Businesses that are concerned with implementing solutions to deliver services more efficiently and in a smarter way, meanwhile, can look towards Salesforce customer SPIE SMART FM, who did nothing less than revolutionise the way we look at buildings. 

The professional services industry is a large umbrella. The current crisis is affecting everyone in different ways, and there’s no one-size-fits-all solution. No one’s quite sure what the future of work looks like, or where or how this story ends, but by sharing knowledge we can write the next chapter together.

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