Having recently hit my one year anniversary at Salesforce and exploring my own highlights as a Futureforce graduate, I caught up with some of my fellow grads to discuss their experience with the graduate scheme so far. They have all been with the company for varied amounts of time - some for just a few months, others for over a year - and I thought it would be interesting to discuss what they appreciate most about the company they work for.

Their insights capture just how empowered graduates feel, and prove that Salesforce truly lives its values of trust and equality.

Amy Sutton, Sales:

The last year in Salesforce has honestly been a whirlwind. While time flies in this fast paced . and ever-changing environment, in just a year I have met some of my best friends, gone through two internal interviews, given back 60+ hours to charities that are close to my heart, and had the flexibility to continue to tick countries off my travel bucket-list.

I consider myself so lucky to have a job where I can feel challenged on the daily, and also a job where I can continue to develop my skillset every single day. My team, the management, and the company as a whole really emphasise both personal and career growth, and I am very grateful for this empowerment.

Aleksandra Zgnilec, Customer Success:


I can’t believe it’s already been five months since I joined the Success Graduate Program at Salesforce. It’s been an amazing journey so far and the wonderful team around me have helped Dublin become my home away from home. I’ve learned so much during my onboarding, and I can’t believe that as I write this I’m already 7x Salesforce Certified!

What I love most about Salesforce is that it really stands behind its values and the 1-1-1 model of giving back is something I truly admire. Over last few months, I’ve had a chance to give back to our community in various ways by volunteering with Seal Rescue Ireland, Dog’s Air and youth mentoring in underprivileged parts of Dublin. Soon I will be travelling to Ghana with some colleagues to build three computer labs to help up-skill people in that community, and I am very grateful for this opportunity.

Almudena San Martin, Finance:


I was first exposed to Salesforce in 2017 when I was lucky enough to be selected for Salesforce's Summer Internship Program, and after just three months, I knew this was where I wanted to build my career. I returned in September 2019 when I joined the Finance and Strategy team, and my experience on return could not be better!

Salesforce is a very fast-paced environment, but the team is so supportive. Every single person I have met is so eager to grow and to help you grow with them. I feel incredibly lucky and very grateful to be part of this Ohana. Growth is hugely emphasised, in terms of both career development and personal development, and this is something I appreciate a lot. Everyone is given an equal chance to progress; and the various workshops, activities, and opportunities really empower employees to better themselves.

Chloe Kiely, Solution Engineering:


Since I began in Salesforce, the level of learning and support has been a pleasant surprise in that it has been constant and endless. I think being part of a graduate scheme has amplified this; learning alongside and from your peers has stamped out any feeling of imposter syndrome that I felt at the start.

Opportunity really is the word that comes to mind. There is so much to get involved in; from bootcamps in San Francisco and graduate off-sites where we hear from amazing leadership figures, to volunteering activities with local kids in after-school programmes. The combination of continuous learning, self-improvement and growth opportunities gives me a massive sense of fulfilment and really motivates me to keep working to improve myself.


Christina Brühl, Project Management Marketing:

From my first day at Salesforce, I was given a lot of responsibility; it didn’t matter that I was a grad. I was trusted with looking after projects by myself, and training project leads in best practices and methodologies. My skillset and abilities were used from the start, I didn’t have to ‘earn trust’ over time; I had it from the get go. This means a lot to me, and it show that Salesforce really do live their value of ‘trust’.

Not all companies focus on learning and development as much as Salesforce does, so it’s really nice to see that employees are supported a lot when it comes to growing; not just in our careers, but also in our personal lives. There is a real emphasis placed on finding a balance between work life and home life. The culture here is also very open, everyone is so eager to help each other, which creates a very collaborative environment and it’s really enjoyable to work in.

Graziano Stasi, Customer Success:


Right after finishing my masters, I relocated to Dublin from Italy for this job. Salesforce’s relocation package really helped with my transition from one country to another, and from student life to that of a young working professional.

Throughout the last few months I have learned a lot, and I’m really having fun here. The investment Salesforce puts into young talent is honestly outstanding. The culture here allows us to not only deeply focus on our own role, but also developing ourselves as professionals and as individuals through volunteering and giving back to the community. This is really important to me and is one of the main reasons why I decided to join this company in the first place.

Mark Walsh, Sales:


I feel that joining Salesforce after college has really set me up for success in my career. Being surrounded by like minded, intelligent, and ambitious people every day, I feel as though I have learnt so much; with each day bringing new challenges. As a recent graduate, career progression is something that is top of mind and within less than one year, I have already promoted up, into a new role. This is something you really don't see in many organisations.

On top of this, giving back is something that is encouraged here, and I have been lucky enough to help out with so many different charity organisations that mean much to me. All in all, the last year has been an amazing learning experience, and I can't wait to see how the years ahead unfold.

Noemie Lesourd, Data Science Marketing:


What has struck me the most about Salesforce is the freedom to grow; as an individual, but also career-wise. There is no defined career path in marketing; you can really make your career what you want it to be. This can feel a bit overwhelming at times, but with a bit of drive you can explore your options and create a tailor-made career based on untapped business opportunities. This freedom of mobility is remarkable.

Opportunities to learn are everywhere. Whether it’s online at any time of the day on Trailhead, in person during company-sponsored courses, or long-term, with the educational reimbursement program; there’s so much on offer. On top of that, the amazing team of colleagues-turned-friends around me are so willing to help me develop. It really is a great place to be right now!

Ross Long, Solution Engineering:


The past six months have been jam packed with enablement, traveling but most importantly, fun! I recently got to travel to the Netherlands to deliver a keynote presentation and to run some Salesforce workshops for over 300 people as part of a pro-bono project I’m involved in. This truly captures just how much responsibility is given to employees, and proves how Salesforce lives and breaths their value of trust.

Being part of the Graduate Program has helped with my transition from student living to life as a young professional, and I have felt empowered by my company and my colleagues at each step of the way to deliver the best work of my career. I’m very grateful for these opportunities.


At Salesforce, everyone is given the same opportunity regardless of their role - and the key to success is embracing this opportunity to grow and learn from the community around you.