To create meaningful change, we’re investing in young people to secure their future. That’s why — during the keynote of Salesforce World Tour Sydney — we’ve announced two new grants, one to Raise and one to DeadlyScience. To discover the change makers of today who are designing the future, we spoke to Davinder Mann, ‎Senior Director, Philanthropy APAC at Salesforce to find out more.


Now is the time to invest in the next generation of young people to foster their minds to problem-solve with science, technology and maths, as well as expand on their belief in themselves with emotional, relational and communication skills.

That’s why Salesforce is investing in the future of young people with two grants announced by Pip Marlow at World Tour Sydney 2022, amounting to over $800,000 to two incredible organisations who are spearheading change for the future: DeadlyScience and Raise.

As Pip explained, Salesforce aims to help vulnerable young people through challenges, to build resilience for today and opportunities for tomorrow — a large part of the way to get there is through education and mentoring.

We want every Australian to have access to the STEM skills that drive the opportunities of the future. Which is why we are supporting young people through DeadlyScience and Raise.”

Pip Marlow | EVP & CEO, ANZ/ASEAN at Salesforce

“The world needs to see the work of DeadlyScience, who help to foster a fascination in science for students in remote and regional schools,” says Pip. This program offers communities access to the right tools — including the STEM resources and opportunities that are often unavailable to remote and First Nations communities. This grant is an extension of our commitment to our Reconciliation Action Plan.

“We are so impressed with the work of Raise who host life-changing mentoring for students. Mentorship is often about laying the foundation kids need to succeed: confidence, communication skills, goal-setting, resilience and the ability to reach out when they need help,” explains Pip.

At Salesforce we believe in doing well and doing good — that means doing what’s right for our customers, partners, communities and the planet. This truly is business as a platform for change and equality. That’s why this investment is so important.

Taking STEM education to the next level with DeadlyScience

DeadlyScience is building the next generation of Indigenous STEM leaders by providing them with the resources and relationships they need to see what they can be. 

Digital capabilities are increasingly critical for both individual and collective success, yet Australia faces a major digital skill gap

Salesforce is supporting DeadlyScience to help increase STEM and broader school engagement and attendance for remote Indigenous students, educate and facilitate science-based careers, and engage in a two-way learning process between Indigenous and non-Indigenous science. The grant will help the organisation stand up two new programs, DeadlyScience Club and DeadlyLearners.

Science is Deadly! It is how we make sense of the world. As a nation, and at DeadlyScience we have a cultural responsibility to our first and future scientists. We want to share our joint love of STEM with our young future scientists.”

Corey Tutt | CEO and Founder of DeadlyScience

DeadlyScience Club immerses students in wild science experiences, activities and lessons, empowering them with the practical problem solving skills and STEM knowledge for future careers. 

“At DeadlyScience, some students who had never heard of science experiments before, now actively participate in hypothesising, testing and analysing,” explains DeadlyScience CEO Corey Tutt. “In Robinson River there is a very cool group of deadly young Garawa scientists doing all things STEM; from building water rockets to doing deadly chemistry.”

To create a deeper sense of discovery and knowledge sharing, the DeadlyLearners program connects young students to STEM professionals. This allows students to see what future opportunities are available for them in STEM, while offering two-way learning for professionals to share stories and hands-on activities and demonstrations.

Raising the future decision makers with mentoring

Raise is a powerful mentoring movement that creates thriving communities across Australia by impacting youth wellbeing and engagement through early intervention mentoring programs in high schools. Salesforce has built a strong relationship with the team at Raise, which began as a volunteering opportunity for team members to mentor students. This has grown over time to be a significant partnership to transform the lives of young people.

The power of showing up for young people at a critical juncture in their adolescence makes a big impact in their lives and sets them on a positive trajectory. We can work together to ensure that young people are able to get through adolescence, believe in themselves and others, and shape a purposeful life.”

Vicki Condon AM | Executive Director, Founder and CEO Raise Foundation

After experiencing a trusted mentoring partnership with Raise, young people are able to ask others for help, build resilience against challenges, engage more at school, set and achieve goals, develop skills for employment, and build hope for their future. We can work together to ensure that young people are able to get through adolescence, believe in themselves and others, and shape a purposeful life.

“Two words — ‘thank you’ — hold deep meaning. This generous support from Salesforce is a game changer for Raise. Young people are struggling now more than ever, and we know the difference a mentor can make for them. We will be able to provide more young people across Australia with a trusted adult to talk to at a time when they need it the most,” says Vicki.

The power of volunteering

The grants are just the start of our engagement with Raise and DeadlyScience. We are constantly looking for additional ways to connect and make the most of our collaboration. Volunteering is a key part of our collaborative approach, to offer dedicated time and skill sharing to support the partnership.

Salesforce is proud to have offered our expertise through our volunteering program, where employees have provided schools with pro-bono time to help guide them. Charles Noovao, Account Executive at Salesforce has been a Raise mentor for four years.

Being able to be at the fork in the road in someone's life and offer support and an open ear to listen can make all the difference – even if you don't realise it at the time. Mentorship is a channel that allows those who want to give and those who need it, to connect and grow.”

Charles Noovao | Account Executive at Salesforce
We explore creative and impactful ways to make a difference with our volunteers. We take the time to ask what will bring the most value, or what the school may need, such as a design thinking workshop or an innovation session to solve a particular problem.

Investing in the future

Salesforce is investing in the future of young people by connecting them to networks of dedicated professionals and valuable resources. This is our way of thinking globally and acting locally, while keeping our Trailblazer community top of mind.

Learn about our philanthropy work and how we create opportunities for students.