Sure, they’re cute. But they’re also so much more! You saw them at Dreamforce, now meet our mascots — they make technology friendly for everyone.


In 1999, Salesforce changed the mindset of what enterprise software could be. Salesforce CEO Marc Benioff envisioned making software easier to purchase, simpler to use, and more democratic without the com­plexities of installation, maintenance, and constant upgrades. The logo NO SOFTWARE was created and our mascot SaaSy soon followed. SaaSy brought customers together and cheered them on. Now, like the company, our family has grown.

Our Trailhead characters embrace the fun side of our company and inspire our community to blaze new trails and always strive to uphold our values of trust, equality, innovation and customer success. Each of our characters has a specific job and purpose. Get to know them a little better and help us welcome aboard the latest member of the Salesforce family, Brandy the Fox.

Astro: Your guide to Salesforce

Astro is your friendly guide to everything at Salesforce and helps you become the best at anything you want to do. Warm and welcoming, they encourage the Salesforce community to achieve their goals through trying new things, asking questions, and having fun. Curious and always wanting to learn, they love traveling, making new friends, and are always up for an adventure on the trail.

Lionheart Astro: Heart of

To meet the unique needs of our nonprofit, education, and philanthropy customers, Lionheart Astro is here! They’re the same Astro you know and love, supercharged with bold courage, big compassion, and a super-snazzy lion suit. Lionheart Astro’s personality makes them perfect for championing the people who make the world a better place. They’re here to help you help the helpers, with opportunities that include Pro Bono, Power of Us Hub, Impact Labs, and Open Source Commons, and be inspired by those doing good and doing well across not-for-profit, education and philanthropy. Lionheart Astro is the heart of

Einstein: Resident genius and future seeker

Einstein is everyone’s data scientist. Super quick on his feet, Einstein is a problem solver and helps you learn more about your customers. With his analytical mind, it’s no surprise that Einstein has a passion for learning new things, always expanding on the knowledge he’s already accumulated — it even helps him predict the future. Brilliant and unselfish, Einstein is always ready to help you become more knowledgeable and innovative.

Codey: Inspiring builders and makers everywhere

It’s hard not to notice Codey — he’s the bear tackling projects and getting his paws dirty, all while having a great time. Codey is a maker and a builder. Whether it’s coding an app on Salesforce, or pouring lattes as a ‘Bearista’, Codey isn’t afraid to get noticed or dive in to get things done. While he may be fearless in the face of challenges (and helps you be fearless too!), Codey isn’t a ferocious bear, and likes giving out bear hugs.

Appy: Your guide to the Partner Ecosystem

Appy is the guide that everyone wishes they could have. Since she knows a lot about all things Salesforce, she leads the way to help you navigate the AppExchange ecosystem to solve your business challenge. Appy is also a connector. If she doesn’t know the answer, she uses her extensive network to connect the right people together to solve your problems. No challenge is too great, so just ask Appy. She is ready to help.

Cloudy: Keeping everyone together and on track

Tech-savvy and smart, Cloudy builds innovative apps with the cloud. True to her name, she is always at the center of the action. Her confidence and steadfastness are second only to her in-depth knowledge of everything cloud-related. Cloudy brings out the best in everyone and encourages you to tap into your own unlimited potential.

Brandy: Your friendly field guide to Marketing Cloud

We are in a new digital-first world. Customer expectations are changing. We’re working from anywhere. With all of these complex challenges, what’s a marketer to do? Call Brandy, the newest Salesforce character! 

Wherever you are in your marketing, Brandy is here to help monitor pipeline, cultivate campaigns, tell stories with personalization, adapt to trends, and more.

You’ll see her start to appear alongside our other characters — Astro, Codey, Appy, and all our favorite friends — in the coming weeks and months.

Here’s a little more about Brandy the marketer and some insights behind her creation.

Marketers and foxes have more in common than you might think. Here are some details on Brandy, and why she’s a fox.

  • Adaptable: Foxes thrive in diverse habitats — from forests to grasslands, mountains, and deserts. They can scale hurdles and swim well. This makes Brandy a welcome companion to marketers navigating a unique landscape of their own — our all-digital, work-from-anywhere world.
  • Analytical: Foxes scan the field for data. Like marketers today, they have an analytical approach to everything they do. They have an “internal compass” to determine the distance to a goal, just like how marketers use their data to lead their strategy.
  • Adventurous: Foxes can cover a lot of ground. They’re excellent travelers, always headed toward the next horizon. That’s why Brandy loves planning journeys. She finds the magic in every stop — or customer interaction — along the way.
  • Approachable: Foxes are warm and friendly. Sometimes misunderstood or portrayed as mischievous, they’re actually quite lovable. Meet any of our Trailblazers, and you’ll walk away inspired and with a smile on your face.
  • Moment maker: With her camera and watch, Brandy helps marketers deliver amazing customer moments at the right place, at the right time. Moment by moment, she helps marketers build customer relationships that last.

With her brilliant mind only matched by her blazing fur coat — perfectly matching Marketing Cloud’s hallmark orange — Brandy truly is a natural fit to the Salesforce family.

Brandy is an on-the-go, work-from-anywhere marketer. She’s just like you.

But mainly, she’s just like you: a marketer who delivers unforgettable moments for their customers. See how those moments are being built by marketers everywhere at Marketer Career Path on Trailhead.

You’ll be able to:

  • Skill up in your marketing role. From email marketing to analytics, data science, and more, learn new in-demand marketing skills specific to your current role.
  • Network with fellow marketers. You don’t have to go it alone. Join a thriving community of marketers and get expert tips, talk strategy, learn about customer trends, and more.
  • Transform your career. Discover open positions, learn insights from industry leaders, and get inspired with stories of success from marketers just like you.


Watch the on-demand Dreamforce 2021 sessions for more insights and inspiration from industry leaders and Trailblazers — and see if you can spot any of the Salesforce Trailhead Characters! Sign up or log onto Salesforce+ now.