Ready to upskill for the future? Here are 12 Trails to set you up with the skills you need to succeed in 2020 and beyond, just in time for the Christmas break.  

1. Manage the Salesforce Way


Encompassing many of the skills needed for the future, such as leadership and emotional intelligence, Manage the Salesforce Way is a great Trail to start with. If you’re already a manager you’ll discover new strategies, and if you’re an aspiring one, this Trail will help prepare you for your next career step. 

2. Create a Sustainable Future


As we saw at Dreamforce 2019, sustainability in business is here to stay. If you want to make a positive impact and integrate sustainability into your business, this Trail is for you. It only takes an hour and by the end, you’ll have a firm understanding of the impact of climate change and how you can become a climate champion.  

3. Customer 360 Truth Trailmix


Everything you need to know about achieving a single view of your customer is in this Trailmix! Launched during the opening keynote at Dreamforce 2019, Customer 360 Truth unifies customer data to provide a source of truth. Personalisation will be even bigger in 2020, so take the time to learn how to connect with your customers faster. 


4. Cultivate Equality at Work


As workplaces become globalised, one of the most important attributes that will set people apart in the future is inclusivity. With employees expected to stay longer in their jobs, multiple generations with diverse backgrounds will need to work collaboratively together. Go into the next decade understanding the societal and business value of having a diverse, inclusive workforce by taking this Trail. 

5. Learn About the Fourth Industrial Revolution


If you only have time to do one Trail over Christmas then make it this one. After all, it’s thanks to the Fourth Industrial Revolution that technology is changing the future of work. Get an understanding of the tech changes transforming global business and society. 

6. Learn Drucker School MBA Essentials


Considered getting an MBA but don’t have the time to commit? Well, if you have 5 hours and 40 minutes spare, the Learn Drucker School MBA Essentials is the Trail for you. In less than a day you can learn how to drive change in your organisation and explore customer and market-driven strategies. 

7. Learn the AWS Cloud Practitioner Essentials


Cloud computing is the way of the future, but there is a technology skills gap. To address this Salesforce and Amazon Web Services have created the AWS Cloud Practitioner Essentials on Trailhead. Take the Trail and prepare yourself for one of the most in-demand IT job pathways now and in the future. 

8. Enhance Employee Wellbeing with Camp B-Well


With the pressure to always be ‘on’ in this fast-paced business environment, employee wellbeing has never been so important. Ensure you’re equipped with strategies to support the wellbeing of you and your team so everyone can learn and thrive to the best of their ability.   

9. Grow Your Career as a Customer Service Agent


Roles such as Customer Service Agents are expected to grow in demand as the need for ‘human’ skills increases. Advance your career by improving your communication skills and learn the best techniques to engage with customers.

10. Accelerate the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)


Impress your relatives over Christmas lunch with your knowledge of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Launched in 2015 at the United Nations and adopted by 193 countries, the 17 SDGs are a big deal – it’s the planet’s to-do list by 2030! Learn about the value of the SDGs and what you can to do advance them as an individual and within your workplace.  

11. Get Smart with Salesforce Einstein


One of the biggest announcements at Dreamforce 2019 was the reveal of Einstein Voice Skills. As we move into an AI-driven future, employees who know how to leverage the latest emerging technologies will be in high demand. Upskill yourself in less than 11 hours with the Get Smart with Salesforce Einstein Trail.  

12. Design Thinking for Sales


Analytical thinking and innovation are predicted to be the number one in-demand skills by 2022. Design Thinking for Sales teaches you how to harness the power of curiosity to think bigger, better and bolder. Something a robot can’t do. 

Bonus Trail: If you’re new to Trailhead you can start your learning journey and understand Trailhead by working through the Get started with Trailhead

Keen to get started? Download Trailhead Go on the App Store or visit the Trailhead website.

Do you want to know the top trends transforming IT? Download the Enterprise Technology Trends Report.