Q is for ‘quote’, but we’re not talking sales! Our favourite quote is from Marc Benioff: “The business of business is improving the state of the world”, and we’ve been busy walking the talk – here’s our wrap up of volunteering across APAC in the 2019 financial year.

We’re serious about our corporate social responsibility, and devote 1% of our working lives to the causes and organisations close to our hearts.

We’ve been honoured to work with amazing organisations across APAC to support their important work – marching for equality with JoyFM, recording community announcements and digitising their music library; building our 200th house with Volunteer Building Cambodia; preparing kids from 62 underserved schools for the future of work with Circle the Schools; creating sanctuaries for more than 300 cuddly wombats and more.

Here’s a wrap up of just some of the moments we are most proud of from this past financial year:

We love what we do – and we’d love you to join us in making the world a better place too. Find out more about how any business, large or small, can Pledge 1% and support causes you care about.