There’s so much going on at Salesforce World Tour Sydney 2019 you could be excused for not knowing where to start. But, actually, it’s pretty easy – it all starts with breakfast! The Sydney World Tour Trailblazer Community Groups Breakfast.

Most Salesforce User Groups don’t just meet online, we also come together for regular catch-ups to share knowledge, discuss unique solutions, network and socialise. A few years ago, we decided it would be remiss not to have a World Tour breakfast that brought together the Trailblazer Community.

And it’s been a big success ever since! Perhaps that’s because it sets the scene for a day of networking. After all, one of the best bits about World Tour is connecting with people in the community; connecting with other developers and admins, and Salesforce executives.

One of the best bits about World Tour is connecting with people in the community.”

On top of all the great networking opportunities, by attending World Tour you’re also making your current job easier and more interesting, and boosting your future career prospects. And it all happens in a great environment of technology, friendship and fun.

Salesforce World Tour Sydney 2019 must-dos

The opening keynote has to be a priority. It’s where you get to hear about the latest product innovations and learn from great Trailblazer stories. The relevant product keynotes are also a must. Then the personal value for specific attendees comes from the breakouts, where you can choose exactly what it is you want to develop knowledge around.

There’s 120+ breakouts to choose from, covering everything from how to get started with Service Cloud to productivity tips and steps to grow a small business with Salesforce, plus so much more. You can truly customise your experience to meet your professional objectives – check out the agenda and download the app to plan your day. You can find the iOS app here and the Android app here.

The Trailhead Zone is a valuable place to spend time – so much learning and networking can get done there. Finally, the AppExchange Demo Jam is hands down the most fun event of the day and a great way to see some great AppExchange products. Rebecca Aichholzer, who won the Golden Hoodie at last year’s World Tour, will be co-hosting Demo Jam this year.

The Demo Jam is hands down the most fun event of the day.”

What am I most excited about?

The Community Campfire will be a lot of fun. It’s where our community leaders from across Australia and New Zealand present on a variety of topics, and it’s really casual. There might be six or seven people sitting around a campfire having a guided chat, .

If anything will inspire you to start going to user group meet-ups, the campfire sessions will. They clearly demonstrate the power of connection – whether that be with customers, partners or other admins and developers – in order to understand problems, create unique solutions, evolve your Salesforce knowledge and develop your career.

There is really so much to learn, so much to do and so many people to meet at Salesforce World Tour.”

I’m also looking forward to Rob Wickham’s session on ‘Addressing Australia’s Trust Crisis’. Particularly since the Financial Services Royal Commission, the idea of trust is more important than ever in the Australian business environment. Trust is one of Salesforce’s core values, so it will be exciting to find out how admins and developers can use technology and transparency to play our part in helping to solve Australia’s trust crisis.

It also looks like there’ll be plenty of advice on successfully transitioning to Lightning, which is a key issue for admins and developers at the moment, with Classic to Lightning migration having moved from a choice to a necessity. I know the community is keen to get some advice on how to best roll Lightning out in a business, both technically and in terms of strategies to make user adoption as positive an experience as possible.

There is really so much to learn, so much to do and so many people to meet at Salesforce World Tour Sydney 2019. Many of the most senior people from Salesforce will be in attendance, including some from the Salesforce headquarters in San Francisco, which is amazing in itself. But the relationships that can be built by catching up with people from last year, meeting new admins and developers with whom you can share knowledge, or seeing face-to-face a person you’ve only ever known as a Twitter handle, it’s just an amazing opportunity.

Join amazing Trailblazers like Simon at Salesforce World Tour Sydney on 6 March 2019. Registration is now open and make sure you RSVP to attend the Sydney World Tour Trailblazer Community Groups Breakfast.