I have the best job in the world, because I get to work on a product, Trailhead, that enables people to build better lives for themselves.

Now, any Australian company can create a culture of learning at their organisation and watch their employees have fun as they learn and grow. Today we’re announcing an exciting new chapter in Trailhead’s success stories: myTrailhead.

myTrailhead enables companies to create custom learning journeys like our Trailhead trails, but it’s customised with their own branding and content. Why would your company want to do that? Well, let’s take a giant step back and look at what Trailhead has accomplished.

We built Trailhead to help change gender and race ratios in the tech workforce, to provide accessible education for all and to bring people to the jobs of the future. But it took off because of a little bit of magic and a lot of community. More than a million people have learned new skills on Trailhead, working their way through 550 badges on the platform.

We ‘gamified’ Trailhead with quizzes, badges and little bursts of confetti to celebrate progress. This brought a fun side to workplace development learning, which traditionally has been boring.

That sense of fun has created an emotional connection with the people interacting with us.

myTrailhead enables us to scale learning in a way that works best for our busy employees on the go.”

Danielle Brady | Managing Director of Global Operations, Accenture

Our animated characters — Astro, Einstein, Appy, Cloudy the Goat and the rest — bring fun and imagination into the learning environment.

You can relate to a character in a different way than you do to a person and the characters are cheering you along every step of the way.

Trailblazers have found new ways to connect and help each other every day.

And what they do when they learn is remarkable.

Trailhead motivates and educates Trailblazers

Trailblazer Sandi Zellner is an inspiring example.

When a neurological condition ended her career teaching music, Sandi struggled with depression. But she rewrote her professional story and built a new career on Trailhead, becoming a Salesforce #AwesomeAdmin and AVP at ConnectOne Bank. She won the 2018 #AwesomeAdmin Trailblazer Award, leads the NYC Community Group Leader and is six times Salesforce Certified, with more than 560 Trailhead Badges.

Alex Crossan, who went from a graduate who didn’t know what Salesforce was to a Salesforce Solution Architect with a senior consultancy role, is another great example. He says that gaining more than 220 badges was a matter of ‘chipping away’, setting goals each week and achieving them, and that his badges give him confidence and credibility — a superhero combination!

Now Trailhead is yours — meet myTrailhead

In Trailhead we have found a revolutionary way of rallying enthusiasm and interest in the future of tech. And we want to share that. So we’re breaking off a little piece of that magic, so other companies can build their own learning communities the Trailhead way.

With myTrailhead, companies can:

  • Create cultures of learning
  • Empower employees with today’s in-demand skills
  • Customise and brand your own learning content
  • Make learning for employees fun with points and badges
  • Build and share custom learning journeys
  • Motivate and track employees as they reach set, relevant goals with assignments, ranks and leaderboards
  • Give real-time feedback on and recognition of demonstrated skills

The platform gave us the ability to select from an extensive content library to personalise a learning experience that is aligned to our processes and technology strategy.”

Nathan Bell | Digital Transformation Executive, Telstra Enterprise

We believe you always have to be learning, growing and exploring — as a company, and as an individual. We want to show people how to use technology and help them build their jobs of the future.

It all comes down to one person at a time wanting to learn and grow.

So that’s Trailhead, and why we are introducing myTrailhead to Australia. We want to give companies a way to create a culture of continuous learning, community and engagement.

On the one hand, that’s just common sense. On the other hand, it’s a little bit of magic.

See how myTrailhead can empower your company's customised learning.