This year, Salesforce World Tour is stopping in Sydney for a day that will change the way you work. Here’s how to make the most of it.

When you hear ‘Salesforce event’, what’s the first word that pops into your head? Fun. Crazy. Amazing. Overwhelming. Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious? They all work.

Last October, the world’s largest cloud computing event, Dreamforce, took over the streets of San Francisco for four unforgettable days filled with visionary speakers, thousands of solutions, amazing networking opportunities and endless fun.

And now, Dreamforce has hit the road as Salesforce World Tour, and is coming to Sydney in March. Buckle up!

You’re in for quite a ride, and we’ve got just the tips from a group of Salesforce employees who have been with the company for 10 years or more, to help you stay in the driver’s seat. And after a decade’s worth of events, you can bet they have a few words of wisdom post-Dreamforce for surviving and thriving on the day at World Tour.

Firstly, they overwhelmingly agree that it’s important to wear comfortable shoes – you’ll always want to walk to that next stand, that next presentation, and you won’t want to sit on the sidelines.

Another top tip: map out a plan in advance so you have time to see everything that’s important to you. Read on for more, and get ready for your best World Tour ever.

For the Service pro

“Take some time to explore. See all the new ideas, services, messaging, and other cool stuff we are doing. Feel the energy and then share it with the people you meet.” – Rob Lamb, Director, Customer Evangelism

We’ll be covering artificial intelligence, service journeys, building communities, field service and more – helping you to become a true leader in your organisation, and helping you make service a strategic advantage, rather than an expense.  

For the Sales star

Stop working in your little lone bubble – we’re here to show you how building connections with service, marketing and more will supercharge your productivity. More importantly, we’re here to help you do it. Come out changed for the better, more inspired and prepared to absolutely crush your quota. You’ll learn from the best, to sell like the best.

For the Advertising genius

Target people, not devices, and look well beyond demographics to target individuals. If there’s one thing in the line-up advertisers can’t miss, it’s this – so take the advice of the seasoned pros and make a solid plan.

“Don’t try to do everything. Like any good festival, pick a few must-see ‘acts’ or presentations and make sure you’ve factored in the walk time and wait time to make it there.” – Carl Dempsey, VP, Solution Engineering

For the Marketing maverick

Do you want to really connect with your customer? Right this way – we’ll show you how to make the most of every interaction and deliver exceptional personalised experiences every single time, as well as share the latest in email, mobile, social, web, and journey management.

You’ll need to keep up your energy levels – don’t worry, we’ll feed and water you, which gives you the perfect opportunity to pick the brains of your peers.

For the Retail marvel

Right now, retail is all about reimagining customer experience and building loyalty. Let us show you how you can do it all. But speaking of loyal customers, some advice from our resident ‘customer for life’ expert.

“You’ll be on your feet and will be carrying your bag everywhere, so pack light.” – Ryan Aull, Customers for Life Product Director

Want some more?

There’s so much more at Salesforce World Tour than we can cover here – including dedicated content for IT leaders, small business owners, financial services, government, media and communications, innovators of all stripes, anyone interested in driving equality in their own organisations, and more.