![Intrepid Travel Makes Magic in Perth: Salesforce Live 2022 Highlights](http://www.salesforce.com/content/dam/blogs/au/2022/November/sfl-perth-highlights-2.jpg)
It has been long thought that the key to outbound sales is activity, activity, activity. The numbers game works on the premise that eventually someone will want what you’re selling. Whilst this may have proven successful in years past, readily available product information at consumers’ fingertips is driving the need for a more strategic approach.
The question is: how can a sales rep bag themselves #theunfairadvantage and increase his/her opportunity to reach the right person at the right time? Here are four things you need to know to begin improving your outbound sales performance:
1. “On average, four people are involved in B2B purchasing decisions”- CSO Insights
Selling to a new organisation can be challenging, you’re limited by insights provided by your prospect and their dynamic understanding of the organisation. So with limited insight and a limited view of the big picture, how do you begin to propose a solution? To get a holistic view of any organisation it is vital to have multiple conversations with people across different areas of the organisation. This involves understanding how each business function operates, the limitations, disconnects and challenges. Once you achieve this, your ability to earn the title of trusted advisor dramatically increases. It’s because understanding the organisation lets you genuinely add value whilst selling your product/service.
2. “57% of the purchase decision is complete before a customer even calls a supplier.” - CEB
The buyer is better informed than ever. Their ability to seek reviews and recommendations about your organisation online is boundless. How do you use this to your advantage? Meet them there. Learn how to connect with the modern buyer more effectively on social media.
Just as you can look at a prospect’s LinkedIn and Twitter activity, you should expect they are doing the same. So, make sure you build and maintain a strong professional social media presence for your brand. Shape your own online communications to reflect the trusted advisor that you are. You can do this by sharing quality content, getting involved in groups, and having an opinion around relevant news that impacts your organisation and industry. Finally, look for specific signs from your prospects that they are ready to interact with your brand: are they reaching out to friends and colleagues over a new product or service? Are they showing interest in specific groups or following thought leaders in your industry? The movement of your prospect on social media can give you key insights into their current position with respect to your business.
3. “90% of consumers trust their peers, and only 10% trust an unknown source” - Nielson
With an average 97% of cold calls hitting a brick wall, how do you channel your energy into generating a welcomed introduction without striking out over and over? Network, network, network. Take full advantage of the world of social channels, and four degrees of separation. There’s a good chance you know someone who knows the prospect, or has worked with the prospect at some point. Get a personal introduction, so that you are no longer that ‘unknown source’.
4. “The median tenure of a salaried private sector professional is less than 5 years”- The Bureau of Labor Statistics
Private sector business is a fast-paced, constantly-evolving environment - and a minefield for salespeople. According to D&B, in about the time it took you to have lunch (let’s say you got lucky and got a half hour for lunch today), 11 companies went bankrupt, 12 CEOs left their job, and 74 business phone numbers changed or were disconnected. If that level of movement can occur over a lunch break, think of how much change has occurred since you last contacted that account? So what does this mean to you? Don’t expect to have a conversation once every 6 months, and or when you aim to upsell. With change taking place daily, you the salesperson needs to earn the ongoing trust of key stakeholders across multiple areas of the business, and remain front of mind.
The above are all essential facets of a successful career in outbound sales. The below eBook dives into the changing environment of the outbound sales rep even further - enjoy, and happy selling!