Salesforce is hosting its largest Australian technology conference of the year in Melbourne on March 10th – Salesforce World Tour. If you’ve ever had a question about technology, how to make a difference to your business, grow it to the next level, or even how to give back to the community, there have never been more reasons to be there.

Get comfortable and grab yourself a cup of tea. Here are fifty shades of a content-packed show!

  1. Understand where the industry’s going, and how you can get to the future faster

  2. Salesforce Senior Vice President Leyla Seka breaks down how technology is providing revolutionary ways to connect with your customers in a content-rich keynote

  3. Get in your keynote seat early - a packed pre-show promises valuable insights from Fairfax, The Catch Group and others

  4. Todd Sampson is driving an awesome discussion on the power of creativity! Any fans of Gruen Transfer out there?

  5. Catch a glimpse of tech-in-action. See exciting live product demos on Sales, Service, Marketing, Platform, Analytics and more.

  6. There are 30+ power breakout sessions showing you how to sell, service, market, and connect with customers in a whole new way

  7. Go into the Cloud Expo to see innovation like never before - we have techsperts, gadgets and cool stuff by the truck load!

  8. Hear from industry thought leaders in financial services, public sector, retail, the not for profit sector, to name just a few.

  9. SME? We have dedicated sessions just for you.

  10. We have a whole program of thought leadership for enterprise business

  11. Connect 1:1 with Salesforce experts at our Success Bars

  12. Drop in and learn best practices at the Success Theatre

  13. Join Success Circle discussions and set your path to higher ROI

  14. Game on! Rob Clarke, Australian Rugby Union, shares his roadmap for engaged communities 

  15. Katherine Rau, GM of HR for The Catch Group, shares her experiences in creating a high performing, engaged workforce

  16. Hear from Steven Persson, The Big Issue, on the 1:1:1 model and why it makes a difference to NFP success

  17. We have a bunch of new videos for you - be inspired by our customers’ stories, because they inspire us!

  18. Into apps? We have those covered. Hear Evernote and Optus talk about building and integrating apps into your business to supercharge Sales

  19. Starting up? Network with other startups and share tips that keep you fast and agile

  20. Let us buy you lunch - your whole day is catered!  

  21. You could get a #unfairadvantage just by being there (it’s true)

  22. Rub shoulders with top executives in our hang out areas and connect with other business owners to share ideas and thoughts on the current Australian marketplace

  23. Make way for eWay! Founder Matt Bullock shares his multi-cloud success story

  24. Join a vibrant social conversation and tag us with @Salesforceapac #SalesforceTour

  25. There’s a whole conference stream dedicated to customers’ marketing journeys - if you’re a marketer you can’t miss this!

  26. Mobile, mobile, mobile - let’s talk mobile business apps

  27. Giveaways...come on who doesn’t love a great conference freebee?

  28. Department of Social Inclusion (DCSI SA) is charging the way for government in the modern era

  29. Dropbox is there to drive the discussion on file collaboration and sharing business content on the go

  30. Simon Maizels, CIO, Harris Farm Markets - sharing the model for mobile ready business

  31. Hear inspiring opinions from Deloitte’s Kristen Russell and other amazing business women on the topic of Unconscious Bias in the workplace at FemmeForce session

  32. Celebrate with us during networking drinks to at the end of the day

  33. Join the cause and buy a subscription of The Big Issue on site to help us employ 1 homeless woman for 1 year - we’re shooting for 100 subscriptions on the day to make that happen

  34. Speak with Accenture on how to leverage the Salesforce1 Platform and build apps at Lightning speed

  35. Does your business have an #unfairadvantage through smart tech choices? Share it on social, let us know who you are.

  36. Free cocktails!

  37. Get a selfie with Sassy - He’s mighty friendly and oh so huggable!

  38. FinancialForce talk to the why and how of cloud platform for your financial services and ERP needs

  39. Speak with a variety of like minded businesses from all over Australia and New Zealand

  40. Grab a coffee and some popcorn and head into a breakout session of your choice  

  41. Get the Salesforce Events free app from the App Store or Android Apps - who needs paper agenda handouts these days?   

  42. DocuSign are there to show you why glass is better than paper when it comes to signing business contracts

  43. Can you think of a better reason to get out of the office and learn something new and rewarding?

  44. Make it a day out with your friends - food, drinks, and of course key business lessons

  45. Cloud Sherpas can answer the burning question “why cloud” with amazing cloud demos throughout the day

  46. It’s a real taste of Dreamforce for us Aussies and Kiwis   

  47. Laugh, learn and share in the excitement of the day  

  48. Todd Sampson! (Worth mentioning twice)

  49. The Grand Prix is on in Melbourne right after… why not prolong your stay?

  50. Can’t make it? There’s a live video stream for key sessions, tune in here

I don’t know about you, but those 50 shades of the Salesforce World Tour have definitely got me excited and ready to go! Head to the official Salesforce World Tour Melbourne website for more information and to register today! 

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