Find yourself asking the question, "Why should I attend the Salesforce World Tour event this year?"

In my opinion, there are a hundred and one reasons as to why you shouldn’t miss out. However, if I had to narrow it down, my top 8 reasons would be:

  • Get ahead of the curve on technology trends in the main keynote

  • Hear from innovators like Australian Rugby Union and Optus on what’s powering their success

  • Choose from 30+ breakout sessions rich with insights for a broad variety of roles and industries

  • If you’re an SMB we have your back! Learn how to power small and medium businesses to greater success

  • Are you building a strategy for an enterprise business? We have a full program of thought leadership with experts from all walks of business, plus a panel discussion hosted by Tony Jones in our Leadership Summit 

  • Why not check out our Cloud Expo full of techsperts ready to discuss your business (oh and some really cool gadgets and demos too)

  • Analytics? Everyone’s saying it but how do you even jump on that wave? Learn how to use analytics to make your business soar 

  • Give back by taking part in the Big Issue Subscription challenge

  • And, network with us and your industry peers at the end of the day - go on, join us for a drink to finish off a rewarding experience!

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I get so excited about this event because it attracts not only our customers year after year, but also people who have never heard of Salesforce before, or aren't that familiar with what cloud computing is yet. 

Like all good cocktails, the mix of different attendees makes for an exciting networking and mind blowing adventure. I can’t think of another technology conference that brings so many different people together with a single goal of making them more successful.

To give you an example, on average our customers are able to achieve:


  • 30%+ increase in productivity

  • 33%+ increase in customer satisfaction

  • 58%+ faster deployment of IT projects

But don’t just take my word for it, come and see it for yourself! Here’s what people thought of last years event:

Don’t forget to join and follow the conversation on: @SalesforceAPAC | #SalesforceTour 

For more details on the World Tour please head to our event website or register for free below:

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