I don’t know about you but by the time I get to this time in the year I am exhausted and need a holiday! Luckily there is one just around the corner and like me I am sure you’re looking forward to putting your feet up and relaxing.

But however much you need a holiday, before you know it the break is over and you’re back at work starting another year. “Was that it?” You just don’t feel as relaxed and refreshed as you hoped to be.

Just like work, holidays can be overwhelming. While you love them, family and friends can make a lot of demands on your time and with Christmas there is so much preperation to do. You’ve got to take the initiative and own your holiday.

It reminds me of Stephen Covey’s “Seventh Habit of Highly Effective People”: Sharpening the Saw.

Feeling good doesn't just happen, Stephen Covey

Sharpening the saw means planning the time to renew yourself in the four areas of life: the physical (exercise or yoga), social/emotional (re-connecting with family and friends), the mental (learning or reading) and the spiritual (meditation or prayer, music or art).

So This year I am urging my team to disengage from work, relax and recharge and to clear the mind to properly prepare for 2015. I hope you are able to do the same. I’ve recently read some useful advice on how to do this which I wanted to share.

    •    “Three Steps to a Low-Stress, High-Joy Holiday Season” by Christine Carter
    •    “How to make ‘me timer’ a priority when you’re super busy” by Leslie Moser
    •    “How to make the most of your holiday downtime” by Lisa Evans

I am certainly going to try and put this advice into practice and have a more rewarding holiday. Maybe you can to? I hope you and your families have a wonderfully relaxing holiday whatever you are doing and I look forward to seeing you again in 2015!