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I got started in IT because I was passionate about how technology could make a real difference both in business and in our lives. I’ve always found what I can do with technology very cool!

I learned to program out of necessity. Later, I learned how to build databases, tune queries, add indexes and to optimize other people’s code.  I learned to design and integrate and to architect. 

I’ve worked with numerous different languages from COBOL to Java and virtually everything in between.  I’ve used numerous database systems, middleware systems, messaging systems, spatial, web… usually highly complex and with a large learning curve.

I started to get frustrated with technology. I was frustrated about needing to worry about what version of the code, platform, hardware, database, I was using.  Trying to figure out how to make the various disparate pieces of the latest so-called “integrated, cohesive” platform work together.  Learning how this latest database’s query optimiser worked and then getting royally annoyed when the latest patch changed all of that.  Don’t even get me started on the issues of procuring hardware, software and of deployment and worrying about the end user’s operating system and environment!

I started to say to myself “surely as IT people our days should be spent helping business rather than dealing with all of this”?

My frustrations led me into consulting and eventually pre-sales and to where I’m currently enjoying life at Salesforce. Which brings me to the point of this blog: why I love the Salesforce1 Platform.

I love the Salesforce1 Platform simply because it works and removes a huge amount of the frustrations and complexity that have bothered me throughout my career.   For the first time ever, I can be given a business problem to solve and immediately sit down and start to solve it.  Just think about that for a moment. No concerns about the versions of anything, no need to install anything, compile anything, tune anything, size anything or secure anything.  I just get started!  It really is that straightforward.

Simple to moderate complexity problems can be solved without a single line of code, but I do have a rich coding environment available to me should that be the best option to solve the problem.  I never worry about runaway queries, CPU utilization, memory or storage.  The platform takes care of these things for me.

Should I need to talk to other systems, I have numerous options available to me from a bulk/batch interface to REST and web services.  Nothing to install, it’s all there.

 I can choose a variety of different interfaces and can make these available instantly on a mobile device. I have workflow and approval processes and even have a collaboration environment at my disposal.

The Salesforce1 Platform has been an absolute revolution and seeing first-hand what this can do for business further fuels my passion.

That’s why I love the Salesforce1 Platform

Point your browser at where you can sign-up for a free trial and instantly see all of this for yourselves. 
