I’ve previously blogged how Not For Profits are often seen as the poor cousins to the commercial sector and how they can’t have the same best of breed tools that are available for others.

Well Salesforce is an organisation that has addressed this through the Salesforce Foundation with the 1-1-1 model by providing significant discounts on their licenses for qualified Not For Profits to ensure you get access to the best platform available.

The most exciting thing for me is the explosion of apps/products available on the Salesforce AppExchange which can also be leveraged on top of your Salesforce licenses to deliver significant functionality for the Not For Profit sector.

So you may be saying “This is great, but as a Not For Profit how do we find out which apps/products are the best ones for us? And how we leverage them to deliver the required functionality at a reduced cost of developing a solution from scratch?”

Well you are in luck because you also have a great amount of resources at your fingertips to help investigate the apps/products and how they can be used.

The first place you should check out is the Salesforce AppExchange which has over 2,308 apps currently available. You can search for anything you can think of and I guarantee you will find an app that will meet most of your requirements.

In addition to the AppExchange there is also the Salesforce Community. The community includes dedicated Not For Profit user groups available across the globe, including Australia and New Zealand. All the groups meet regularly and also utilise Chatter in the community to talk to each other about anything from getting advice on “how to’s” to issues with functionality to general discussions.

But wait there’s more! As a Not For Profit you also have a dedicated salesforce.com Foundation community called the “Power of Us”. This has some of the same characteristics as the Salesforce Community, with the main difference being you are connecting with customers, partners and Foundation staff across the globe who are working with the salesforce.com Foundation. We even have a dedicated Australia and New Zealand group where you can connect with others across ANZ.

If you are not a member of the Salesforce Community User Groups or the Power of Us, then I highly recommend you join now.

At the recent CeBit event, I presented a session with Andrew Hill on the best of breed apps built for the Salesforce1 Platform which are available for Not For Profits. The good news is we have turned the presentation into a series of webinars, which start this Monday, where we are demonstrating how these apps can be used to transform your organisation.

Sign up for our webinars, to find out how you could manage your Not for Profit more effectively with Salesforce.