If you have been involved in the technology industry for any length of time, chances are you have a few T-shirts laying around from the various conferences and events everyone attends. In my experience, none of these shirts would be considered fashion forward, and many from my collection have been donated to various organizations.

But I have kept a few. Why, you may ask? Am I that big of a geek? Or can I just not be bothered to buy my own clothes? While my geek status might be an open debate, I am completely capable of obtaining my own clothes. The reason I keep certain event T-shirts is because I find them humorous, clever or possessing a unique point of view. For good or for bad, what you wear says something about you, and I go for funny over fashionable every day of the week.

That's one of the reasons I love Salesforce events so much, our T-shirts tend to posses all the qualities I am looking for in trade show wear. One of my favorite T-shirts was the one we did for Dreamforce a few years ago, pictured above. 

By now you are probably thinking, surely this post can't be all about event T-shirts? Well kind of. You see we have a huge event coming up on March 26th, the Salesforce1 World Tour in Melbourne. Its a completely free event and the only Salesforce1 event stop in Australia for the year. 

And as part of that event, we would like your help designing a T-shirt. That's right, this is your chance to design a shirt that embodies the Salesforce1 spirit with a uniquely Aussie twist. 

You can submit your designs in the comments section here, or upload them to our Facebook page, or event post it to Instagram and tag @salesforceANZ in your post. After reviewing the submissions, salesforce.com will select a winner. In addition to the bragging rights of designing the best T-shirt, the winning designer will receive a free hotel room for one night in Melbourne during our event on March 26th