For the Salesforce1 World Tour in Melbourne, we are extremely fortunate to have Vivek Kundra as our keynote host.

As you might know, Vivek’s resume can make even overachievers tired. Consider this. Vivek was appointed as the first United States Chief Information Officer by President Obama, served as Chief Technology Officer for the District of Columbia and Assistant Secretary of Commerce and Technology for the Commonwealth of Virginia. He was selected as a fellow at Harvard University at the Berkman Center for Internet and Society and the Shorenstein Center on the Press, Politics and Public Policy, not to mention leadership roles in the private sector. And if that wasn’t enough, the World Economic Forum selected Vivek as a 2011 Young Global Leader, he is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations and was named 2011 Government Executive of the Year by TechAmerica. And he is not yet 40 years old!

Therefore its probably not impossible to understand why I was nervous to meet Vivek for the first time. But I shouldn’t have been, because regardless of his resume and achievements, Vivek is one of the most genuine people I have ever had the pleasure of working with.

A perfect example of this happened during his last visit to Sydney. After a very long day, my colleague and I were in a room with Vivek finalizing some materials. After we had wrapped up the last edit I asked Vivek, “Dude, are you attending the networking drinks tonight?”

Yep, I called the former CIO of the United States dude. Not exactly a stellar moment for me. I immediately apologized, but Vivek just started laughing and said, “I love that you called me dude!”

What can I say? He is just that cool. So please don’t miss out on your opportunity to see Vivek live on March 26th at our Salesforce1 World Tour in Melbourne by registering here.

And check out some of the videos below to hear directly from Vivek!