One of the great things I love about Australia is that we have a thriving technology sector. Anybody using Meetup will attest to the fact that there are numerous meetings each week around any facet of technology. But what I have found is that there wasn’t a group about all things cloud which allowed people to come together with other advocates, specialists and social media leaders to discuss the latest topics of the day.

Then #CloudCrowd was formed to cater to this thriving community.

Over the past few months we’ve held several lunch events which have turned into an afternoon of discussions about how everyone is using cloud solutions to transform organisations and businesses.

We’ve had some great times catching up over ribs and pizza, and maybe a few beverages, to discuss the latest projects or products that we have been building, swapping thoughts and generating ideas about how we can use the cloud.

At our most recent #CloudCrowd event we’ve had a great time with people from the eco systems of, Rackspace, AWS and others, such as Ross Dawson, who share that common interest - the cloud!

You should think of #CloudCrowd as a community of like minded people, but with an Aussie style, meaning it is a relaxed environment that fosters some great conversations.

Our next lunch event is on 31st January and we are planning a bigger formal event in March which will focus on the Internet of Things. It will be an interesting event and will showcase some of the local talent in Australia is using the Internet of Things to build great products and their businesses. Come along to our lunch event to find out more about it.

If you are a #CloudCrowder join our Linkedin group and the conversations on Twitter, make sure you follow @CloudCrowdAus and the hashtag #CloudCrowd, and come along to our events!

We hope to see you on 31st Jan!