People often ask me “how do you do it ?” Hold a senior position in an always on industry and be a Mum to a two year old and three year old. It’s something I struggled with initially when I returned to work. I felt like I wasn’t giving 100% to either.

But there was a realisation that things had changed in my life. That didn’t mean my career was over or had to necessarily take a back seat. You have to adapt and it forces you to do a lot of self reflection about what is important and who you are.

I need to work for me. That may sound selfish but it makes me a better Mum, and enables me to provide the things I want to for my family.

But I didn’t want to be a stranger to my children, to see them only at weekends so I needed to find the right balance.

That forces you to be much more ruthless about how you spend your time. You can’t do everything you did before. You have to assess where you can add the most value and set the right expectations both at home and at work. Prioritisation is key.

You have to enjoy what you do. There is no point in coming to work and leaving your kids behind if you are miserable at work.  Find your #dreamjob.

Making my children feel part of my work helps.  Talking to them about my day, showing them the office, telling them who the people are in my team and some of the amazing things they do. Showing them pictures of events we run and showing them places on the map I am travelling to for work. This all connects them to the time I spend away from them.

Who you work for plays a huge part in getting the balance right. Don’t forget you choose them as much as they choose you. I am lucky enough to work for an organisation and with people that appreciate my circumstances. I have the flexibility I need to make it work. That applies consistently across the organisation, no matter your level of seniority or whether male or female. There are no funny looks when you leave the office at 5pm. There is a level of trust and respect that you will get the job done, in whatever way works for you.  And with the launch of our new Salesforce1 Customer Platform, I have the ability to work anywhere, anytime and access everything I need to do my job from my mobile device. Technology really can play a huge part in getting the balance right. 

There are always going to be times where you feel like the balance has shifted and you are neglecting home or work but those times are the exception for me now, and far easier to deal with when they arise.  

If you are struggling to find the balance my advice would be to stop and think about why that is and what changes you need to make. Don’t struggle along in the hope that it will get better. It won’t.  You have to find what works for you and create the right environment, and believe me once you have done that you will be amazed at how much you can achieve both at work and at home.

 Here are my top seven tips:

  1. Understand your true value
  2. Prioritise
  3. Set the right expectation
  4. Make the right choices for you and your family
  5. Look at how you can blend work and home
  6. Utilise technology
  7. Have the courage to make a change