A few weeks ago, I returned to the scene of my first Public Relations job, to the agency that gave me my start in the industry. The reason I went back was to speak to some new university graduates about the value of participating in a graduate program with an agency and the learnings I took from my graduate year that have helped me in my career to date. I am fortunate enough to have had a fantastic career in public relations so far, with great mentors and great opportunities.

I am now working in my #dreamjob as the PR Manager for Australia, New Zealand and Singapore here at salesforce.com. In preparing for my talk, I was reminded of a couple of vital lessons I have learnt along the way that I think are applicable to anyone starting out in their careers.

Firstly, if you are unsure what path your degree is going to lead you down - ask someone! I was studying public relations at university but I hadn’t really had any “real-life” interaction with any PR consultants. Through a family connection I reached out to Nicky Dowling, the Managing Director of agency n2n Communications, and just asked if she would have a coffee with me and talk about PR.

It was that coffee that led to my first job at n2n and ultimately an amazing 5 years with the company. I strongly believe people respond to other people’s enthusiasm. By reaching out to Nicky and just expressing interest in PR, she saw a spark in me and thankfully, wanted to foster and grow that enthusiasm.

The second thing I have learnt is to surround yourself with people who inspire you, who lead by example and who you would like to emulate. If you’re not working with anyone like that now - it’s time to get a new job. Whenever I interview for jobs I am not just trying to show the interviewers that I am the right fit for them, I am making sure there will be learning and growth for me. From my first job at n2n, until now I have been surrounded by talented women and men who have taught me so much and continue to inspire me.

Lastly, be passionate about what you do and have a little faith in yourself. One of my mentor’s at n2n, Jamie Verco, would say to me “just back yourself Duff”. He always had faith in my ability and I just needed to follow suit. If you are enthusiastic, passionate and hard-working employers and clients will respond positively, but then it’s up to you to take the risks and make it work.

At salesforce.com, I am fortunate that there is a huge focus on learning and development. The organisation is focused on hiring the best people and as a result has fostered a culture of innovation, teamwork and learning. I encourage everyone to find a job that challenges you, that stretches your mind and flexes your creative muscles. If you can find this, I am sure you will land your #dreamjob.