The Opening Keynote with Marc Benioff is one of the highlights of Dreamforce. And the fact that this is my eighth Dreamforce keynote, I think I am pretty qualified to say this year's was one of the best. 

I mean you had the introduction of Salesforce1, Haiti Prime Minister Laurent Lamothe, Petra Nemcova and Sean Penn discussing the progress made in Haiti, Huey Lewis and the News singing some classic hits from the 80s and Parker Harris driving up in a Tesla playing Doc Brown to Marc Benioff's Marty McFly. And don't even get me started on Marc's shoes, they were amazing!

To see all the excitement for yourself, check out the video of the full keynote below:

But here are a few pictures from the keynote of my favourite moments, including a close-up of Marc's shows. 

What moments did you like best?



























