Every six to eight weeks a group of Salesforce Platform developers (and those interested in development on the platform) get together over pizza and beer in the salesforce.com offices here in Sydney.

Started over two years ago by Jack Li and relaunched with the help of salesforce.com in January of this year, the group has a goal of sharing knowledge and experiences working on the salesforce.com platform.

Our most recent meeting in August was jammed packed with three great speakers and for the first time included Peter Chittum a salesforce.com developer evangelist who joined by video conference from London and gave us an introduction to the new salesforce.com mobility packs and his own experiences with Angular JS.  Our other two speakers were Chris Mail from Quattro Innovation who talked about the impressive mobile platform that Quattro had built using Adobe Air and which used the Salesforce Metadata to drive a dynamic User Interface.  Our final speaker was Harry Bohosian from System Partners who gave a lightning talk on Dataloader.io, the cloud based data loader and outlined some of its key benefits.

Due to timing constraints we missed out on time to network so at our next meeting we're hoping to try and fix this by reducing the number of speakers and including some time for drinks at a local pub afterwards (for those able to stay out a little longer).

Interested in joining the group?  Then you can sign up here at our meetup.com group and also participate in discussions on the success.salesforce.com group and of course, if you have any ideas you want to present, please let us know.

Our next meeting will be September 19 2013, RSVP here.