I found BRW's current cover story, Collapse of the Career Path, completely fascinating. My dad worked for the same company for almost the entirety of his career, and I grew up with the concept of the "company man," yearly promotions and the token gold watch at the time of your retirement.

Much to my father's chagrin, the times they are a changing. 

BRW's article focused on the fact that the traditional career path, the idea of moving up the ladder, is not a black and white concept anymore. Employees are more likely to change companies - and even disciplines - then they were in the past. Emphasis is being placed more on skills than on title changes. But without the traditional promotion cycle, how do employers recognize great work within their organizagtion?

It reminded me of a great infographic the Work.com team put out recently that showed that there was a huge gap between senior management's perception and employee's reality