I recently learnt about the rewarding and opportunity creating program held by the Salesforce.com Foundation every July in Sydney called BizAcademy. After learning about the end goals of the program, I felt lucky and grateful for all of the support I have personally experienced throughout my life. I felt the urge to try and give my indirect support to this program.  So raised my hand to act as Social Media Writer, in order to raise awareness so that the program can grow in years to come.



What is Biz Academy ?

BizAcademy is a week long program of strategic change for young adults
from under-resourced communities developing the leadership, business
skills and confidence necessary for career paths and employment.

Who gets selected for the program ?

Through a rigourous interview process, 12 young disadvantaged adults are selected to participate in the program. Six from under-resourced communities in Sydney and six are from the Cerebral Palsy Alliance.

What happens during the five day program ?

The candidates learn about SFDC products through focus groups. Being placed in teams to which they are mentored by various SFDC employee's to teach them the various business skills required in daily corporate life. Something these candidates aged between 19-23 years of age will never have experienced in their life prior to the BizAcademy.

The Challenge

To pitch Spotify (social music channel) on the salesforce.com product suite, showcasing how Spotify can increase their users by leveraging the Salesforce Platform. All done in front of the Dragon's Panel ( 5 high level managers from salesforce.com specifically selected).

The Outcome

The top two candidates will win a placement year at salesforce.com in Sydney, an incredible opportunity! 

I am looking forward to learning more about the selected candidates, and how best to engage over the next week. Already I can see these candidates are well presented, excited and proud to be a part of the program. Let the pitching commence!

*Photo is of the 2011 class of Sydney Biz Academy. Stay tuned for a pic of this year's class in my next post!