Regardless of your industry, the size of your business or its geography, I think it's pretty safe to say that we all want to increase our sales and close deals faster. So what's stopping everyone from supercharging their sales?

Not enough time, not enough resources, not enough engagement, not enough visibility. Sound familiar?

Wilson Fabrics is one of Australia's largest soft furnishing wholesalers and was established in 1926. Chris Sencek, General Manager at Wilson Fabrics, has been in textiles for more than 20 years and is very familiar with the mature industry rich in history. But as can often happen in a well established market, business processes were out of date and lacked automation. In addition, Chris was also faced with an aging sales team that kept much of their knowledge locked in their heads, providing limited visibility across the organisation. But Salesforce proved to be the key to modernizing its sales organisation and delivering amazing results - including a 30% more efficient sales team.

Chris believes that the introduction of a CRM tool is the biggest innovation he has seen in the textiles industry in "a long, long time."

With the help of Bluewolf, Wilson Fabrics was able to deploy a completely customized Salesforce solution that was tailored to the exact needs of the business - essential in the upholstery business.

Hear for your yourself how Wilson Fabrics achieved its results with Salesforce and Bluewolf in this webinar. In addition, you can check out the slides too. 

What about your business? Tell us how are you going to supercharge your sales.