At BizAcademy yesterday, I get to know some of the candidates over lunch. Such inquisitive and very friendly characters they all are! Here is what they think of the program so far:

What made you sign up for the program?

A number of the candidates wanted to focus on their lives and their current employment pportunities (a few of them have studied some form of IT). They saw the program as a chance to open new doors, learn new skills and move within the technology space - with the hope of securing the traineeship at in the end.

Has the program met your expectations so far ?

Many didn't have any expectations, they were just excited to be a part of it and do their best. Others didn't expect to have so much information presented to them on day one. I remember my first few weeks at SFDC, my head was spinnning every night! But they were impressed with the format, as it aided them to quickly learn and understand the information they needed to absorb for the final pitch. Another key aspect was learning how corporations operate as a business, from pre-sales through to account management.

Connections and interactions ?

This was prominant highlight for all the candidates. On day two they were already describing the friendships they have made with the other candidates, mentors and organisers. The enjoyment of meeting new people with a similar interest in technology. To learn from their mentors and have great guidance and support in order to improve their skills and knowledge is really inspiring to them. And knowing they will walk away with new found friendships and future working connections, is something they are grateful for.

This was further emphasised when I sat in on Rob Zimmerman's Inspire Session. All of the candidates were all fully engaged and listening intently to everything Rob shared about his life experiences, putting himself out there and taking risks. The final question from animated candidate Owais was, "How do you speak like you do, with such calmness?"

After the group shared a laugh, fellow candidate Dylan quickly stated, "Yes I agree, and the way you dress and present yourself to the room is so admirable." 

Rob ended his inspiration discussion with 3 things that will make you happy in life:

  1. Have a great network of family and friends as they are your support
  2. Live near where you work. (As a long daily commute is not enjoyable)
  3. Give back

"Success essentially comes from happiness and belief in what you do," said Rob.

Picture featuring the Biz Academy candidates after their conversation with Rob.