Do you want to meet the man who launched Spotify in Australia? An Irish lass who quit the world of finance to start an NGO in Tanzania? A woman who started her own consulting practice? 

Yesterday BizAcademy did just that and heard about the risks these leaders did and didn't take. With the BizAcademy students asking the panel questions, we learnt what opportunities came from their courageous decisions.

Henrik Isaksson, Senior Sales Manager at Spotify - The risk he NEVER took
Henrik moved from his successful role in Europe to set up Spotify in Sydney. During the time he was planning to move to Australia he was also offered to set up Spotify in the US! But for some reason, still unbeknown to him, he pursued Sydney with no regrets, only happiness. Plus, he found himself a girl :)

Dylan, Sales Co-ordinator at Systems Partners - Taking the risk of going against the safe option - Twice !
Dylan highlighted his two biggest risks that he has taken in his young life to date. The first being the decision to quit school as he wasn't happy and felt he would enjoy being a part of the workforce. To which he gained a job for a year, and then was unemployed for 14 months! His second risk was to decline a traineeship with RTA to accept a position on the Foundation BizAcademy Program, which resulted in a successful outcome two years ago. From his traineeship, he recently secured full time employment at System Partners as a Sales Co-ordinator.

Min, current BizAcademy candidate - The risk to choose BizAcademy
A current candidate, Min boldly raised her hand to share her biggest risk with the group. A timid, yet bold young lady, Min described how she had only just recently moved to Australia from China where her English is still limited. She took the risk to put herself out there and pursue to the opportunity to be a apart of the program. Her mentor, Julia Lin looked on with pride as Min stood fearlessly in front of the English speaking crowd and engaged them confidently!

Avis, Founder of mmMule & LooLooPaper - The Risk to give it all up
Avis had us in laughter while describing how she sells toilet paper to help third world countries. The outspoken Irish founder explained how she realised she was unhappy in her high paid corporate job and took the risk to give it up and pursue what she was passionate about - changing the world! She emphasised to our candidates that fear and vulnerability go hand in hand, and that's ok. But it is the fear of failure which can hold us back. She believes that showing your vulnerability is being true to yourself and "Showing your vulnerability is being courageous."

Ben Handsaker, Recruiter at - The risk of literally putting himself on stage
Ben shared with us how he took the risk of entering a Fitness Modelling competition for the first time just 16 weeks prior to the comp date! Through self-tuition, a gruelling diet and training regime Ben made every rookie mistake in the book, but was still able to secure 4th place in 2011. Determined to achieve his goal over the last two years, he successfully secured 1st place in 2013. Ben shared, "Welcome failure and be open to criticism and use it to improve yourself."  

Jane Pattinson, MD force4change - The risk of going it alone
Starting her career in IT, Jane set up her own change management company. The biggest challenge was learning to accept that she may not be able to see the opportunities immediately, but by moving forward is when you start to see the dots connect. She had to learn to just take confidence in her decisions, especially as she runs the business. And to then just go with it and explore. It all becomes easier through experimenting and accepting what does and doesn't work. " The biggest risk is about you and how you feel about what you decide and choose."

Hearing all these courageous stories instilled confidence and inspiration into all of our students, with many rushing the speakers at the end to learn more. 

Today the #BizAcademy kicks off with a panel of senior managers for the teams to present a trial pitch before the real deal!