We did it again! BRW Magazine just named salesforce.com one of the 50 Best Places to Work in Australia. We’ve moved up 2 slots to the 4th place on the list!

BRW’s highly regarded list publicly recognizes industry leaders for their dynamic cultures that inspire and encourage employees to thrive.

So what makes salesforce.com, the world’s #1 CRM platform, one of the best companies to work for in Australia? Take a look at the sorts of things our employees had to say in the Best Place to Work survey: (remember that this survey was completely anonymous and these are unscripted and unedited)


“There is a buzz and a vibrancy about Salesforce that is unlike any other company. For me, its the people that make this a great place to work. We attract the best in the industry who are truly passionate about changing the world of business applications, in addition to making the world a better place through the work of the Salesforce.com Foundation.”


“The Foundation is a very unique aspect of the company. We would not have this opportunity anywhere else. The health and fitness program is also fantastic. Overall the company is a brilliant company and not very many others could compare!  It is innovative, energetic, fast moving. The passion for the product from both employees and customers is something I've never experienced. “


“There is such a fun vibe and everyone really looks forward to coming to work. We have a real competitive and fun culture within the sales team and everyone is so proud to say they work at salesforce.com. The teams are supportive and collaborative and the managers are truly passionate about seeing their teams succeed.”


And, my personal favourite:


“Its like being strapped to a rocket.”


Want to join your team and find your #dreamjob? Check our current openings and apply now:
