‘Our company, team and individual goals are clear’…’We want people who can make a difference’…’You may be looking to expand your capabilities or responsibilities – we support both’…’We’ll have some fun along the way’…

These are all excerpts from MYOB’s Team Charter (that’s our Employee Value Proposition). Our Team Charter was established a couple of years ago to help everyone gain clarity around the promise that MYOB makes to the team, and what we expect in return. For some companies, their EVP is a bunch of really nice words or statements and that’s about it. It really doesn’t influence anything that they do in the organisation. For us, it’s an important part of our culture and we regularly check ourselves to make sure we’re delivering on our promise.

We began implementing Work.com as our social performance platform at the beginning of this year. Why? To support our high performing, fast paced, agile and connected working environment; to claim all of the obvious benefits of moving performance processes online; and, very importantly, to help us deliver even more powerfully on certain key elements of our Team Charter – win win win.

So, how is Work.com helping to deliver our Team Charter?

‘Our company, team and individual goals are clear’

For the first time, every team member’s goals and key results are visible in Work.com. Each employee can commit to helping other team members achieve their goals and can be across how their colleague is progressing towards key goals. You can’t get much clearer than that.

‘We want people who can make a difference’

Work.com has driven a massive change in goal setting. We moved from our managers setting easily-achievable KPIs to setting much more audacious goals. There’s a place for the detail but the process of creating goals with a hint of aspiration to them has changed the mindset of team members around what can be achieved. The transparency of goals, seeing what others are doing, and the opportunity to make sure goals remain relevant as priorities change drives a level of motivation to achieve even more.

‘You may be looking to expand your capabilities or responsibilities – we support both’

As we reflect on how we’ve gone during the year, the next question is what skills or experience do I need to gain to achieve more or progress further? So we have developed our end to end performance processes to include Development and Career goals as an output. These too will be recorded in Work.com alongside performance goals. We’re about to embark on our first ‘Half Time’ performance summary process at the end of June and it’s exciting. Our pilot participants came back with a resounding and unanimous message – ‘this is so much easier and so much more effective than the old (paper based) way’.

‘We’ll have some fun along the way’

Giving and receiving thanks to our colleagues is even more fun and rewarding due to the real-time, interactive nature of Work.com. Creating a personalised badge for your thanks is fun, and working in a high performing team and a winning organisation is a LOT of fun.

As a technology leader, we’re committed to using the best available tools to streamline work — making it easier for our team to focus on supporting our clients. With Work.com, we believe we have been able to harness the best aspects of social sharing in a way that makes our team more efficient, more effective and more motivated.