The Content Marketing Institute has published new reseach that benchmarks the practices of B2B software content marketers and the results are worth looking at. 

Exploring the US market in 2013, the CMI research found that almost all (99%) of B2B software marketers were engaged in at least some form of content marketing, with the primary content marketing tactic practiced by 93% of marketers being "social media - other than blogs" - spreading their social network presence over an average of five different social networks. 


The biggest challenge among software content marketers identified was their inability to produce ENOUGH content, with 69% identifying it as a pain point in 2013. Suggesting there is either a skills shortage among content marketing professionals or that the average budget allocation (29% of total marketing spend) is insufficient to meet their content marketing needs in 2013. 

With 99% of B2B software marketers engaging in content marketing, this raises the question, what are the 1% doing?
What ways are you creating customer-centric content? Are you using content marketing to enhance your SEO? Share your ideas here and download our FREE EBOOK below!

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