I really like my job and the company I work for. I realise that it isn't exactly earth shattering news to like your employer but I really, really like this place. I was reading an excellent article by Katya Andresen, the COO and CSO at Network for Good, earlier this week about the correllation between a company's CSR and how consumers view them and their products. She referenced a study "Doing Well by Doing Good: The Benevolent Halo of Social Goodwill" by Sean Blair and Alexander Chernev from the Kellog School of Management.

Basically the study suggests:

"results show that investing in socially responsible causes not only creates goodwill toward the company but also bolsters consumer perceptions of the performance of company products, meaning that doing good can actually translate in doing well."

So that works well for customers but what about your employees? (this is where I get to the why I really, really like my job part)

I get six days per year that I can use to do volunteering at any not-for-profit that I want. In a world where we spend so much time focused on productivity and performance and rate of return - to have this freedom of expression is amazing. On top of this we have a local Foundation Council that creates and manages activities so even if I don't have a personal cause, I can join up with my colleagues to do all manner of positive, "giving back" activities.

Not only that, the Salesforce Foundation also does so much for the community that I get to be part of a global force for good no matter what I do in my own volunteering.

Now I can't speak for others but I know that when I think about my personal impact on the world and the fact that my employer lets me try to make a difference I definitely feel a sense of positive alignment and want to be able to keep on doing this over and over again. If this also translates into the customers then all the better.

Do you participate in CSR activities now? If so how does that make you feel? Does your company support this? If not, why don't you see what you can do to make this a reality? There are so many organisations that need help and you can get involved with groups such as:

These are just a few examples, and no matter what cause you want to take up there are people in need of your help. So talk to your colleagues, your manager, your CEO and see if you can get involved. You never know, it might just give you the fantastic sense of purpose and alignment that I get from my company.

It's worth a try!