While its been said your brand is the sum of the conversations, your brand looks a heck of a lot nicer if you pump great content onto youtube and instagram as red bull well knows. According to ADMA and CMI, 96% of marketers use the strategy but sadly only 29% think they have it nailed. And its not just about viral hits like dumb ways to die, a content drumbeat that connects with customers and leads them to advocacy wins in the long term.


Razorfish's Iain Mcdonald interviews ad:tech social media chair Derek Laney - Sydney March 12

While not news to most marketers in Australia, its clear that in the world of social media, increasingly digital strategy leans on brand produced content to build their online identity and encourage positive community engagement.

In 2013 most are increasing their budget as the model is largely proven through experimentation

Now will commence a full scale content war

Brands will fight to be the trusted source of information or the news breaker adopting traditional media models with inhouse journalists, editors and producers. Agencies are being handed newsjacking briefs to "do an oreo" rather than prebaked plans.

Realtime insights will become increasingly important

the old adage of 50% of my (content) marketing spend is wasted, if only I could know which 50%. We need to look for ways to scale the model across brands, campaigns and regions to make it repeatable. Some great learnings from the Obama campaign on how they used data to drive focus and then executed at scale in this previous post.

If you are a bank, telco or airline, there's already a tonne of service related chatter as a baseline though you are focussed on creating positive sentiment by telling the stories that matter to your customers. Commbank CMO @kiwilark summed it up when he said

Your stories are more important than your brand

If you sell earthmoving equipment or airline engines you may be more challenged by silence, but brands like CAT and GE have showed this is not a reason to hide in trade mags as your sole source of outreach. A good story told and produced well wins every time.

If "soap" companies can do it, so can you

see the Unilever's AXE graphic novel or more locally Nestle's Fists of Fusion.

Finally, the result must be a great customer experience not just clever marketing, retail brands like Burberry are starting to blur the line between physical and digital as they create luscious online and physical experiences to create customer experience which make you want to own the trenchcoat to match :)

AdTech 2013: Innovation and Measurement in Social Media from Derek Laney

Content Marketing Ebook