Nu-Steel Homes, Australia’s longest standing, most respected name in custom build homes, is renovating the building industry by innovating in the cloud.

Ash Richardson learned on acquiring the company that an established brand is no guarantee for well-founded business processes – Nu-Steel was stuck in the spreadsheet era and long due an overhaul. 

Richardson looked to the cloud and brought in Salesforce to move isolated pools of data into a single end-to-end business process. Incredibly, after spending just five days in a hammock customizing Salesforce, he had built workflow around the entire 210-step cycle from first enquiry call through to new home built and the client moving in.

But, Richardson was also able to see the potential to take his business model to new heights by downloading some of the amazing apps available on the Salesforce AppExchange. When you shake off the perceptions of old, i.e. that systems are fixed and immutable, that’s when you can really start to innovate!

 “As a smartphone user I immediately understood the value of the AppExchange as a way to add apps intuitively.”

Taking Nu-Steel Homes’ custom build philosophy and applying it to a CRM has helped reduce total project time by 10% and grow revenues in a market decline. But, that’s not where the story ends. Richardson is now reimagining the industry with a ground breaking mobile business model. Inspirational? I think so - look out for Nu-Steel vans in your neighbourhood soon!

Read the Nu-Steel story online, or hear Ash Richardson talk about how he transformed Nu-Steel Homes in 5 days with Salesforce in this video

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