Have you ever been in the middle of a task at work and thought "I do this repetitive task everyday, there must be a better way"? I have, many times. In fact I have made it a part of my career, finding ineffecienies (generally easy) and finding better ways to do things (generally harder).

I have been lucky to spend most of my working careerer in the Internet age and more specifically, the cloud age, the hard bit (finding better ways to get stuff done) has become increasingly easier, not just finding the solutions but also implementing them.

The cost/benefit of implementing cloud apps into a business is becoming weighted more to the benefit side of the ratio. Why? The cloud has reduced the cost side by increasing the number of solutions available higher and making it easier to test and try new ideas and apps.

Just look at salesforce's own AppExchange - launched before Apple's AppStore - with more than 1,700 business applications listed, a number that is growing every day. In fact, Marc Benioff gave Steve Jobs the trademark for AppStore.


So you have your CIO and CTO...... but where is your CAO? Chief Application Officer? Chief Automation Officer.

You are what you don't automate.

What do you think?