I am not someone prone to introspection (even at this time of year when you are supposed to be proffering up resolutions left, right and centre) however I am finding myself drawn to a couple of quotes right now.

The first is from Ghandi - "Be the change you wish to see in the world"

The second is from Aesop - "No act of kindness, no matter how small, is wasted"

Two very different people from completely different era's and yet they resonate with me on so many levels.

We live in challenging times and with all that consumes us it is easy to become insular and focus on your own life to the exclusion of others. Whilst it is true we need to be in control of our destiny as much as possible I can't help but feel we need to look outward and see what we can do for others.

We have increasing natural disasters that we are hyper aware of and we rally to help those in need but what about the everyday situations? What about those who have to overcome tremendous challenges as a matter of course without the publicity to get people rallying around their cause?

I am lucky as I work for a business that not only encourages this but also gives me 6 days paid time off every year so that I can be more than just a self centred employee trying to deliver on my job. If you are in a similar situation then you understand just how amazing that is but even if you have to find the time yourself it is surely worth it.

  • Can you be that person who helps to empower and support women in life?
  • Can you be the person who stops to think about what you are saying to make sure it isn't discriminatory?
  • Can you do something simple like give up your seat on the bus to a pregnant woman or buy a copy of the Big Issue or even just let the car in front of you change lanes without banging on your horn or giving them the finger?
  • Can you be the person who decides to volunteer at a not-for-profit to lighten the load for others?
  • Can you give to those who need help simply because it is a good thing to do?

Philanthropy can come in many different guises and one small thing can make a big difference so think about it. This is how we do it through the salesforce.com Foundation but there are many other options such as Sydney Homeless Connect or at Go Volunteer where you can find a widew range of activities that might appeal.

It doesn't need to be a world changing event to help change the world.

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photo credit: Nanagyei via photopin cc photo credit: Martin Gommel via photopin cc