I don’t know about you but when I hear the words “one stop shop” I’m listening! The thought of getting what I need in one place without a huge amount of time and hassle appeals to my ongoing desire to make things less complicated. That’s exactly why I like what fast growing Sydney business Platinum Direct is offering to its customers, i.e. not only the opportunity to get competitive finance for that Big Ticket item like a car or a boat, but in most cases actually managing the purchase for them too. As Director Oliver Berger says, "we can put a car on the road with one solution, one call." Music to the ears of us the time-poor consumers!


And, its not just consumers who benefit from simplicity. I recently caught up Oliver to chat about some of the efficiencies they are driving internally, allowing them to take away the legwork for customers. Listen to him describe the value of a cloud sales management solution in his own words:

Listen to 'Oliver Berger 2' on Audiobook



The results speak for themselves:

  • Lead management becomes a science keeping performance high 
  • Reports which took hours now take as little as a few minutes 
  • Per-web lead spend reduced by 30% in four months 
  • Revenue is up by 44% 

Platinum Direct Finance is a great example of how it's possible to change gears very quickly - as soon as they decided to ramp things up Salesforce partner Arxxus was able to get them there in record time 

Check out the full Platinum Direct Finance financial services  case study online.